It’s not too late to revise your schedule!
Did you change your mind about a course? Have you realized that the class you’re in is not for you? Don’t worry, there is still time for you to rearrange your Fall and Winter Term schedule during the revision period. Ensure you speak to an Academic Advisor for help!
Deadlines for adding and dropping courses are as follows:
- Course Drop Date for Fall Term and Fall/Winter Term spanning course is SEPTEMBER 22, which is the last date to drop a course with a refund.
- Course Add Date for Fall Term is SEPTEMBER 23, which is the last date to add a course in the revision period.
Some things to remember:
- If you add a course on September 23, there is no refund if you decide to drop it. Student,
- If you stay in a course past September 23, you will have to pay for it. If you choose to not take that course, you will still be able to Voluntarily Withdraw (VW) but you will not receive a refund. The VW deadline for Fall Term is November 23, 2020.
- Students who do not drop their courses will be required to pay the full tuition and fees for all courses in which they remain registered, even if they do not attend classes. If you are not attending the U of M this term, you must drop your courses before the end of the revision period (September 22).
If you are on a waitlist at the end of the revision period, don’t remove yourself, you will automatically be removed from waitlists on September 24.
Remember, the last day to pay your fees is OCTOBER 6, 2020. Paying fees late will cost you money! Visit our website if you need more details on how to defer your fees, information for Sponsored Students and financial aid recipients. Everyone else should speak with an Academic Advisor.