Get your footing in the first 6 weeks
The first few weeks of a new term can be a difficult balancing act. For new students this is especially true. Finding classes, finding a place to study, learning how to study effectively and getting to know campus are all crucial and often stressful parts of the transition to university.
The First 6 Weeks program is designed to help with this transition. Developed by the First Year Centre, the First 6 Weeks is an online guide that new students can use to help navigate the often confusing first months of university.
The guide is easy to access and is delivered weekly to each first year student’s myumanitoba inbox, beginning on January 8 for Winter Term. Information included in the First 6 Weeks program will provide direction to key supports, resources and important student opportunities. Each week will highlight a unique theme to help create improved forward thinking and planning skills, thus establishing good habits early for a more rewarding and successful student experience.
The First 6 Weeks program can be accessed anytime by visiting umanitoba.ca/u1/first-six-weeks. All first year students are encouraged to review the guide and meet with an academic advisor in their first term.
Contact the First Year Centre for more information or to find out how to speak with an academic advisor.
And be sure to stay tuned for the Next 6 Weeks program, which offers continued student support, tips and resources.