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Final Grade Appeals: What to know

January 19, 2024 — 

The deadline to appeal Fall 2023 grades is January 26th, 2024.

If there is reason to believe a mistake has been made in the assessment of a final grade, students have the option to appeal their grade. Read on for information on the Final Grade appeal process, how it works, and what to expect.

Final Grade Appeals

Final Grade appeals are submitted through a student’s Aurora account. The steps below outline instructions on how to file a Final Grade appeal, and what to expect of the process.

Step 1:

If a grade is received, and the student contests the outcome, the student should speak with their instructor/professor informally. They will provide feedback on the grade, and information on how the grade was assessed. They also may be willing to review the final paper or exam again.

Step 2:

If the student still contests their grade, they have the option to file a formal grade appeal. There is a charge of $50 for each grade that is appealed. This fee will be refunded for any grade that is changed.

  1. Log in to Aurora.
  2. Select Enrolment and Academic Records Tab.
  3. Select Student Records.
  4. Select Final Grade Appeal.
  5. Follow each menu prompt to submit the appeal.

The deadline to appeal a Fall 2023 grade is January 26th, 2024.

Step 3:

The appeal will be forwarded to the department offering the course. There will be a second review of the final exam by the professor and a third party (either another professor or an appeal committee).

30 days after the grade appeal deadline, the department/academic unit must submit their decision to the Registrar’s Office. The student will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office with the decision of the Grade appeal after the 30 days have passed.

It is important to note that a final grade cannot be lowered as a result of an appeal.

Term work Appeals

Term work appeals are for a grade in a course assignment – these appeals are only applicable to coursework. Students have 10 days after receiving their grade to submit a Term Work appeal. Students are encouraged to seek feedback from their instructor/professor before filing any appeal. Term work appeals have a fee of $50.00. This fee is refunded if the grade is changed.

Learn more about Term Work appeals.

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