UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

The Magazine News Archive

A woman stands sobbing in front of a building in a vintage black-and-white photo.

Hometown Headlines

May 2, 2019 — 
With 90 years of The Winnipeg Tribune now digitized—we hear from its last editor-in-chief about the day the newspaper folded.

A copy of The Globe and Mail and Report on Business are on a table with glasses and a coffee cup sitting on top of them.

Front Page Alumnae

May 2, 2019 — 
Read about the cover-worthy accomplishments of two of our alumni.

An assortment of objects, including a spoon, printed fabric, necklace, and other objects owned by Destiny Seymour

Joy of Making

May 2, 2019 — 
Inside the creative space of Destiny Seymour, owner of design firm Woven Collaborative and of Indigo Arrows.

Christa Burstahler stands in front of a diorama of a lynx hunting in winter.

Christa Burstahler

May 2, 2019 — 
On her studies about the roaming Canada lynx—those mysterious solitary cats with the oversized paws.

Infant, Painting by Cletofonte Preti (1843-1880), a mother nurses an infant in a classical painting


May 2, 2019 — 
Women share their stories on social media in an effort to normalize breastfeeding in public.

A collage of different table tops and their varying degrees of damage and scratch marks

Creativity Embedded

May 2, 2019 — 
Six decades worth of marks, drawings, and scratches.

Is this the end of the conversation or is this the beginning of it?

Spread the Word

May 2, 2019 — 
Find out who said, "Is this the end of the conversation or is this the beginning of it?"


In Memoriam: 2020

December 21, 2018 — 
University of Manitoba alumni In Memoriam listings for 2020


Accomplishments: Fall 2018

October 24, 2018 — 
Accomplishments by our alumni from our Fall 2018 issue.

Thom Fougere sits in a chair of his own design.

The Evolution of Thom

October 24, 2018 — 
At only 24, he was offered a seat at the forefront of Canadian furniture design. Seven years later, with his own studio in the mix, Thom Fougere [BEnvD/09] talks about his wins and fails—and the creative process that keeps him in his own head.

© University of Manitoba • Winnipeg, Manitoba • Canada • R3T 2N2

Emergency: 204-474-9341