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ResearchLIFE Winter 2020 News Archive

Public Design Unit (PDU), I am here: Mapping Detroit Water Shut-offs (detail), Projection Map Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit | Photo: PDU

Research and International

Latest issue of ResearchLIFE magazine

July 13, 2020 — 
A message from Vice-President (Research and International) Digvir S. Jayas, on the new issue of ResearchLIFE

Public Design Unit (PDU) I am here: Mapping Detroit Water Shut-offs Projection Map Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit Photo: PDU

Research and International


July 13, 2020 — 
What if instead of offering objective answers, design was a method of engaging with and caring about others, of discerning problems? What if design freed itself from its conventional context and became a way of thinking, a way of questioning and gathering insights?


Frazil ice floes on the Nelson River at Sundance Rapids, Man. winter 2020 | Photo: Brittany Peters, Alex Wall

Research and International

Ice Ice Maybe

July 13, 2020 — 
Surprisingly, there are few studies on river ice dynamics, despite prominent public and industrial concerns associated with flooding and other impacts of river ice processes.

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Research and International

Lessons on Loss

July 13, 2020 — 
When losses are buried under more losses, how do you even begin to grieve?


Playground Swings

Research and International

The Measure of Maltreatment

July 13, 2020 — 
For nearly two decades, Dr. Tracie Afifi has studied the ways in which adults abuse children, the harms that can result, and what can be done to keep kids safe.

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