Asper School of Business celebrates Fall Convocation 2023
Exceptional new Asper alumni include first class of Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics graduates
At Fall Convocation 2023, the Asper School of Business celebrates its first graduating cohort of Master of Supply Chain Management and Logistics (MSCM) students since the program launched in 2021. Congratulations to Varun Gudral, Nikhil Anand Muruganadam and Yikun Wang!
Yikun Wang [MSCM/23, BComm(Hons)/17]
Now a double-Asper alum, Yikun Wang graduates this year with one of the first MSCM degrees from the Asper School of Business.
Currently working as a transportation coordinator at Richardson International, Wang describes how the MSCM prepared her for industry leadership, highlighting the program’s curricular knowledge and emphasis on collaboration.
“The MSCM program advocates teamwork and cultivates our cooperation skills. This has been one of the most impressive parts of my Asper experience and has helped me integrate into my current team seamlessly,” she says.
Read more about Wang’s career journey and innovative approach to teamwork.
Meet even more exceptional Asper School of Business graduates!
Chisom Ike [BComm(Hons)/23]
An international student from Nigeria, Chisom Ike receives his Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) majoring in accounting, completing three terms with the Asper Co-op Program and representing UM on the football field as a Manitoba Bison.
Ike credits his Bison experience for teaching him unwavering discipline and commitment, which allowed him to balance the demands of student athletics and his business degree.
“Rain, snow, cold—in a harsh climate like Winnipeg’s, we show up to practice no matter what,” he says. “That discipline is what got me to show up for class, to study and to give my all at Asper.”
Currently employed as an accounting analyst at Richardson International, Ike acknowledges the Asper Career Development Centre (CDC) for supporting his career goals through co-op. “Meredith [Wood] was amazing. She worked with me to develop my resume-writing and interview skills, and her guidance helped me secure my first co-op placement at KPMG.”
Ike graduates knowing that his professional skills and discipline will be invaluable over the next few years as he pursues his CPA designation.
Nicole MacIntosh [BComm(Hons)/23]
Nicole MacIntosh began her university journey about eight years ago with the drive to get a business degree. An ADHD diagnosis became a turning point in her academic career, and as MacIntosh began to access resources and develop strategies to work with her neurodivergence, she also found community at Indigenous Business Education Partners (IBEP) at the Asper School of Business.
This fall, MacIntosh gradates with her Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from Asper, proving that resilience, community and an investment in student success across the university make a resounding difference in the lives of our future leaders.
Read more about MacIntosh’s journey to graduation and her connections to IBEP and the UM Indigenous Student Centre.
Sage Weselowski [MBA/23]
Sage Weselowski receives an Asper Master of Business Administration with concentrations in Leadership and Organizations and Health Administration.
Weselowski reflects on what she has gained since beginning her degree in Fall 2021. “My time at Asper served to bolster my confidence to sit and actively participate at tables with professionals of all backgrounds and to know that my contributions have merit,” she says.
A dedicated healthcare professional and registered nurse, Weselowski pursued the MBA hoping to broaden her ability to effect change within the healthcare system. She began a new healthcare management position this summer that is already putting her MBA training to good use.
“This new role along with my MBA feels like a first step in becoming a more well-rounded healthcare professional,” she says. “There are so many possibilities in this field, and I’m embracing each new experience as a chance to grow.”
Solomon Schlegel [BComm(Hons)/23]
Graduating with a double major in Leadership and Marketing, Solomon Schlegel developed an aptitude for research during his BComm experience. He received an undergraduate research award in Summer 2021 and had the opportunity to work with Dr. Bruno Dyck studying sustainable business.
He combined this experience with co-op work, engaging his business theory and practice skills early.
“The Asper Co-op Program provided me with hands-on work experience while the concepts and theories I was learning were freshest in my mind,” says Schlegel. “I also began to develop a professional network that I would not have been able to achieve at this stage in my young career without co-op.”
Schlegel now works full-time for his previous co-op employer, IntegrateIT, as a program manager, where he gets to share his knowledge with a small team that includes current Asper Co-op students. Planning to continue gaining work experience for now, he hopes to return to research and pursue a master’s degree in the future.
Congratulations to all students graduating from the Asper School of Business this fall!