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students walk by a Sexual Violence Awareness campaign poster

UM presents Sexual Violence Awareness Week from Feb. 7-11, 2022

Learn about navigating consent, responding to disclosures and preventing sexual violence

January 31, 2022 — 

The University of Manitoba is holding Sexual Violence Awareness Week from February 7-11, 2022, offering a variety of events and training sessions for students, staff and faculty. The week is being held in conjunction with UMSU’s Healthy Sexuality Month.

The focus of this programming is to provide resources and training to anyone who is looking for guidance in areas such as navigating consent, responding to disclosures of sexual violence, and sexual violence prevention.

The University of Manitoba is committed to providing all students, faculty, and staff with a safe environment in which to learn, teach, work and live. This means creating a campus that is free from all forms of sexual violence – including sexual harassment and assault.

Sexual Violence Awareness Week events

GradSteps Workshop: Swiping, Ghosting & DTRs – Navigating Consent & Safety in Digital Dating Apps

Open to graduate students only

February 7
12:00pm – 1:00pm

Dating is never easy; dating during a pandemic is even harder. This workshop will provide an honest overview of the benefits of digital dating, while discussing the complexities and risks users face when using these platforms. Practical strategies and tips will be provided for keeping yourself and others safe, both online and in person.

Workshop: Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence


February 8
5:00pm – 8:00pm

During this workshop, students will learn about sexual violence and the impacts it can have on those who experience it, explore what a supportive response looks like, discuss available on- and off-campus resources, and recognize their own limits in offering support. Participants can engage with one another in group discussions, practice receiving disclosures for different scenarios, and receive feedback from facilitators.

Register for the workshop
For more information, please contact:

UMSU Virtual Healthy Sexuality Expo: Sexual Violence Resource Centre Booth

Open to all students, staff and faculty

February 9 & 10
10:00am – 3:00pm

The Sexual Violence Resource Centre (SVRC) will have a virtual booth set up during UMSU’s Virtual Healthy Sexuality Expo for those looking for more information about the resources available to community members. Join us on the event platform.

For more information, follow UMSU’s Instagram account or Facebook page

THRIVE session: “That didn’t feel right . . .”
Five ways to support co-workers, and yourself, when personal boundaries are crossed

Open to staff and faculty only

February 10
12:00pm – 1:00pm

A sense of personal space, personal safety and body autonomy is essential for people to thrive in their workplace. What can we do if these personal boundaries are crossed, either for ourselves or colleagues whom we are concerned about? This session will explore trauma-informed approaches to supporting colleagues and ourselves during times where our personal boundaries are challenged.

Due to the nature of this sensitive topic, participants will be encouraged to participate in whatever way is best for them and are welcome to but will not be pressured to discuss or contribute to group discussion.

Register by emailing

Bringing in the Bystander™

Open to all students

February 10
1:00pm – 4:00pm

Bringing in the Bystander™ is an effective interactive prevention workshop that is based on the concept that all community members have a role to play in preventing sexual violence. Student participants learn the importance of speaking out against social norms that support sexual violence, identifying potential risks in various situations, and exploring how to safely interrupt or intervene in situations that can lead to sexual violence.

Register for the workshop
For more information please contact:

Additional events related to UMSU’s Healthy Sexuality Month include:

February 4 – Drag Queen Bingo

February 14 – Sex Trivia Night

Those looking for more information about these events are encouraged to keep an eye on the UMSU Instagram account over the course of the month.

Connect with the Sexual Violence Resource Centre

The SVRC would like to remind any UM community member who is affected by sexual violence that you are not alone and that the SVRC is open and here to help you.

The services provided by the SVRC are available to anyone belonging to the UM community, including students, staff and faculty.

More information on the Sexual Violence Research Centre and related resources can be found on their website or by calling the SVRC at 204-474-6562.








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