Updates for the week of May 6 to May 13
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, thank you for your efforts, and those of your family and friends, to ensure the safety and well-being of others during this challenging time. Updates in the past week include:
Fall Term to be held remotely
The University has approved a plan to deliver all possible courses for the Fall Term online by remote learning, with very few exceptions:
- The University of Manitoba will offer a robust Fall Term through remote learning with some select alternate delivery or in-person exceptions;
- UM will provide students with the preparation that they need to be successful in this remote learning environment;
- UM will commit to a safe return to campus when the time is right; and
- UM will ensure that our community’s health and safety are at the forefront of all of our decisions.
Operating Grant
UM has shared what is known right now about the cost reduction efforts mandated by the province. Though the University continues to wait for written confirmation on provincial cuts to its operating grant, UM has decided to share what it has been told by the Minister of Economic Development and Training, Ralph Eichler.
- We understand that the provincial government will reduce UM’s 20/21 operating grant by five per cent or $17.3 million.
- This includes a one per cent cut that we expect will be ongoing, and a five per cent reduction that we have been assured is for this year only.
Fall and Winter Term Academic Schedules
On May 6th Senate Executive approved a revision to the Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 academic schedules, based on current COVID-19 restrictions, faculty are advised to prepare to deliver all possible courses by remote learning.
Fall term will conclude with a period in early January 2021 (5th to 15th) during which essential in-person activities associated with courses offered in Fall term could be completed. This may include critical in-person instruction and experience important for student safety and understanding as they proceed in their programs of study. Use of this period by any Faculty is optional. Because of this extended Fall term, the start of Winter term will be delayed by one week. View the proposal and revised academic schedule.
Critical dates for Fall and Winter terms are as follows:
Fall Term 2020
- September 9: Classes start
- December 12 – 23: Exam Period
- January 5 – 15, 2021: Fall term extension for in-person activities
Winter Term 2021
- January 18: Classes start
- April 19 – May 1: Exam Period
Mental Health Supports
Mental health supports are available for staff and their dependents through the UM Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) plan. Members and their dependents can contact Lifeworks by Morneau Shepell at 1-800-387-4765 (English) or 1-800-361-5676 (French).
Career Services
Career Services have created an extensive list of employer wage subsidy and tax rebate programs. These programs will support the hiring of a student for summer, co-op, or internship placements.
New online learning opportunities to successfully work from home
Registration is now open to UM employees for new online workshops to assist with working successfully from home. Learning and Organizational Development (LOD) has transitioned existing workshops, including the ones in the HR certificate programs, to synchronous online delivery and created seven new workshops and three learning labs focused on working remotely in teams, time management, virtual meetings, building resiliency, and adapting to change.
Upcoming sessions include: Virtual Meetings (May 20, June 4), Managing Teams in an Online Environment (May 22), Learning Lab Adapting to Change ( May 14, May 20, June 1). To register or learn more, please visit: LODReg
Summer Term Remote Learning Courses
For students who wish to get ahead in their studies, the UM is offering an extensive list of Remote Learning courses for the Summer Term. The complete list of course offerings is available on Aurora. Students can register for courses that begin on or after June 1 starting on May 19. (Registration is already open for Summer Term Distance Education courses and Masters/PhD Re-Reg thesis courses.) Check the Registrar’s Office website for more information.
Share your voice
The University’s EDI Task Force wants to hear about your experiences with equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at UM. In-person focus groups have been paused due to the Covid-19 situation, but staff, faculty and students are invited to respond to any or all of the focus group questions online or share your personal experiences in our EDI online survey, which has been extended to May 31.
The Staff parking fee will be waived for the month of May, and the fee will not be withdrawn from your bank account. Please continue to check the parking website for updates.
Academic Learning Centre
The Academic Learning Centre continues to provide academic supports. All supports are available online including individual tutoring (in writing, content study skills), supplemental instruction sessions, and workshops. To make an appointment and for more information visit the COVID-19 academic supports website.
Sports and Recreation Fees
Student Sport and Recreation Fee will not be applied to tuition for Summer Term 2020.
Campuses remain closed
All employees are to continue to work from home with only limited access for employees deemed as essential to our work. Research, scholarly works and creative activities have been suspended (with exceptions approved by VPRI) for most on-campus/field sites. Researchers will continue as much research as possible remotely. All events have been cancelled or postponed, including Spring Convocation.
What’s happening with mailed items?
See information about mail and other essential onsite services during buildings closure.
Books, Course Packs and The Bookstore (Summer Term 2020)
Instructors are requested to submit course materials requirements to the Bookstore as soon as possible.
The Libraries continue to provide collections and services online:
- UM Libraries is now offering free access to Unpaywall, which quickly locates free open access journal articles and is available through in your Libraries Search results.
- Librarians continue to provide course support for online classes during Summer Term.
- Support for researchers in data management, data visualization and GIS, and open scholarship are available including online consultations and access to data sharing and storage platforms such as Dataverse.
- Open Education Resources (teaching resources with open copyright) are available for faculty and instructors.
- Student and faculty support is available through the AskUs online chat service and by contacting the appropriate subject liaison librarian.
Coronavirus updates
Monitor the umanitoba.ca/coronavirus website for daily updates.