This year, ditch the pressure of perfection and join the Real Me Resolutions campaign
Tips and resources for authentic well-being
It’s that time again—the start of a new year and with it, a flood of advertisements and messaging around “health” in the form of the familiar January refrain that we aren’t enough. We hear messages suggesting that we need to improve or murmurings that we must engage in the latest “wellness” fad to feel better. But what if this year, instead of seeing ourselves as projects to be perfected, we ditch the pressure and just tune in to what makes us feel fully ourselves? What if this year, we shift the idea around new year, new me resolutions and find pathways to balance that don’t rely on diet culture, perfection, or endless “shoulds”.
We invite you to join us in the Real Me Resolutions campaign! Check out our accessible tip and resource guide to explore common themes that tend to come up around New Years. Topics like sleep, diet culture, and realistic movement are brought together through 10 tips we hope are helpful starting points for authentic well-being in the new year and beyond.
Here’s a sneak peak of some of the tips included in the Real Me Resolutions documents:
Tip two: Shift from negative to neutral!
It is common to struggle with body image and sometimes positive affirmations just aren’t believable to us and can cause frustration. Jumping from self-doubt to self-love can be hard, so consider self-acceptance as a middle, kind step.”
Tip six: Consider intuitive eating!
Intuitive eating is the opposite of diet culture, which tells us that deprivation, control, and measurement is the path to balance our health. Unlearning what diet culture teaches and relearning to trust ourselves is not easy, but possible!
Tip seven: Move in your way!
When we think about physical activity, our first reaction can tell us a lot about our relationship to movement. Consider exploring this, and possibly shifting away from how and/or how much you think you “should” work out—to a sense of wonder and curiosity about what you actually enjoy! Who knows, you might find something new you never knew you wanted to try…or perhaps just something you dislike a little less -which is also valid!
For your own PDF copy of these tips and resources (including websites, books, blogs, podcasts and videos), check out this blog post on Heathy U!
That just leaves one question: what’s your Real Me Resolution?