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Two women on stage presenting with a projector to people at a workshop.

The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning January Workshops

December 10, 2024 — 

Check out the variety of workshops scheduled for January, offered by The Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning.

Virtual Reality-Based Teaching Skills Program – Effective Communication: How to Have Better Conversations with Your Students

Date and time: Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9, 2025

Embark on an immersive skill development journey in our comprehensive Virtual Reality-based teaching skills program designed to enhance communication strategies. During the program, faculty and instructors (graduate students are also welcome) will explore effective techniques that are applicable to various educational contexts. Participants are given the option to practice communication skills in a safe, judgement-free environment that incorporates role play and Virtual Reality-based simulations before applying them in their teaching and learning environments. 

Register for the January 8 Virtual Reality-based Teaching Skills Program – Effective Communication: How to Have Better Conversations With Your Students

Register for the January 9 Virtual Reality-based Teaching Skills Program – Effective Communication: How to Have Better Conversations With Your Students

Deficit Thinking and Strengths-Based Approaches in the Classroom When Working With Indigenous Students

Date and time: Wednesday, January 15, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

This half-day workshop will define deficit thinking and how harmful it can be to Indigenous students. Using case studies and time for participants to work together, we will cover how historical events and policies have shaped deficit thinking, and how this impacts Indigenous students in education spaces, and ways of overcoming this unhelpful thinking pattern. The workshop will focus on strength-based strategies and best practices to implement in the classroom.

Register for the Deficit Thinking and Strengths-Based Approaches workshop

Manitoba Academic Integrity Network (MAIN) Speaker Series

Date and time: Wednesday, January 22, 20259:00 AM to 9:55 AM

The Centre is excited to host the 2024-2025 Manitoba Academic Integrity Network (MAIN) Speaker Series, a collection of six professional development opportunities related to academic integrity. A Certificate of Completion will be awarded to individuals who register and attend all six sessions in this series. Visit the Manitoba Academic Integrity Network Speaker Series website for more details.

Session 3: Transparency vs. Equity: Ethical Dilemmas in the Responsible Use of AI Tools in Science 

Tomáš is an assistant professor at the Department of Machine Learning and Data Processing at the Faculty of Informatics and a member of the Ethical Committee for Research at Masaryk University, Czechia. He is President of the Board of the European Network for Academic Integrity. He is also a vice-chair of the Bureau of the Council of Europe’s Pan-European Platform for Ethics, Transparency, and Integrity in Education (ETINED), and a deputy head of the Working Committee on Ethics in Scientific and Pedagogical Work within the Council of Higher Education Institutions in Czechia. His research activities involved plagiarism detection and prevention, academic integrity policies and ethical use of artificial intelligence in education. He has led several national and international projects on academic integrity, namely plagiarism prevention. Since 2013 he has been organizing conferences on this topic. He is a certified VIRT2UE research integrity trainer.     

Register for the MAIN Speaker Series, Session 3

Teaching with Technology

Date and time: Wednesday, January 22, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

With an iPad (or Android tablet) connected to a data projector, you can turn any classroom on campus into a truly multimedia experience for your students. This workshop will introduce you to the hardware (iPad and Android tablets) and different third-party Apps that can replace classroom technology, such as slide projector, whiteboard, multimedia player, and document camera. You can also post the classroom notes and other materials to UM Learn for asynchronous learning. Different third-party apps that can improve your teaching will be demonstrated. The iPad Pro will be used to showcase, but educators can find similar apps and features on Android tablets.

Register for the Teaching with Technology workshop

Experiential Learning Community of Practice Monthly Meeting: Experiential Learning in Large Classrooms

Date and time: Tuesday, January 28, 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM

The Experiential Learning Community of Practice is a growing network of UM faculty, instructors, and staff passionate about experiential education at UM.

Monthly meetings
Join our monthly meetings to connect with colleagues involved in experiential learning across UM and explore best practices and challenges in experiential learning. 

Experiential learning in Large Classrooms
Experiential learning, which emphasizes hands-on, active engagement, often poses logistical and pedagogical difficulties when scaled to larger groups. In this session, we’ll explore some of the challenges involved in building EL into large courses, hear from a panel of instructors with experience in this area, and chat about potential strategies to keep large courses experiential.

Register for Experiential Learning in Large Classrooms

Planning Your Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Study

Date and time: Friday, January 29, 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM 

Are you ready to take the first steps in developing your Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) study? In this hands-on workshop, attendees will acquire foundational knowledge of SoTL principles and methodology, and begin to outline a SoTL project, including a preliminary plan for data collection and analysis. Potential challenges and practical solutions to these challenges in SoTL research will also be discussed. To make the most of this workshop, attendees are encouraged to come prepared with an area of curiosity in mind.

Register for the Planning your SoTL Study workshop

Effective Graduate Student Supervision

Date and Time: Thursday, January 30, 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM

This workshop will review strategies that can help in supporting graduate students throughout their program. Each graduate student is unique and will follow a different path through their degree and into their career. We will discuss how to effectively advise students, monitor their progress and provide mentorship.

Register for the Effective Graduate Student Supervision workshop

Universal Design for Learning in Practice: Optimize Relevance, Value, and Authenticity

Date and time: Thursday, January 30, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM

Join us for the last Thursday of each month in an ongoing series, where participants will review discreet elements of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Participants will work together to develop pedagogical practices that align with the UDL principle being discussed that month.

Topic: This session will focus on CAST’s UDL principle of optimizing relevance, value, and authenticity and how it can be directly applied to pedagogical practice. There will be a brief presentation of the core elements of this principle followed by a question-and-answer session where participants can collaborate with the facilitator to develop their practice. 

Register for Optimize Relevance, Value, and Authenticity

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