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University 1 News Archive


WTF: Why That Faculty?

March 29, 2017 — 
What happens now? As the winter term comes to an end, many first year students will have questions about next term, next year and next steps. Students completing University 1 may have more than a few. The First Year Centre – University 1 is offering a session this April that can help.

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WATCH: You applied to the U of M, now what?

May 11, 2015 — 
A video guide to help new students prepare for their first year.

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Team Manitoba, 2015 M&M Meat Shops Canadian Juniors gold-medallists, from left, skip Braden Calvert, third Kyle Kurz, second Lucas Van Den Bosch, lead Brendan Wilson. Top, coach Tom Clasper. (Photo, CCA/Michael Burns)


U of M students win national championship

February 3, 2015 — 
Winning the gold, UM students will now curl in world championships

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Sink or swim? Those crucial first six weeks

February 11, 2014 — 
U1 "First 6 Weeks" program helps new students stay afloat



Macleans: University 1 gets noticed

November 6, 2013 — 
Macleans talks about U1


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