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Taking on Climate Change News Archive

The Churchill Marine Observatory (CMO) is located adjacent to Canada’s only Arctic deep-water port, which will allow researchers access to marine and Arctic life like never before. // Photo from CMO

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Sea ice dynamics

January 17, 2022 — 
University of Manitoba researchers look to the Churchill Marine Observatory for answers about a changing climate

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an iceberg in open water with hazy clouds surrounding it

Rainfall in the Arctic will soon be more common than snowfall

November 30, 2021 — 
Changes will happen decades earlier than previously thought

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An illustration of a fist holding a battery in the style of old Soviet posters.

The Battery Revolution

October 26, 2021 — 
Will this innocuous everyday item be key in solving our climate crisis? Faculty of Science researcher Christian Kuss thinks so

An illustration of a moon-base colony.

Home Sweet Home

October 26, 2021 — 
Why the moon has a whole bunch of potential to engineering student Sahar Azizkhani

Wildfires burn on the island of Evia, north of Athens, Greece, on Aug. 3, 2021, as the country dealt with the worst heat wave in decades. Temperatures reached 41 C in parts of Athens. (AP Photo/Michael Pappas)

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

5 things to watch for in the latest IPCC report on climate science

August 9, 2021 — 
The report will provide policy-makers with the best possible information regarding the physical science of climate change, which is essential for long-term planning in many sectors, from infrastructure to energy to social welfare. Here are five things to look for in the new report.

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Airship flying over Canada's North

Op-ed: Transport Canada 2030 strategic plan missing a key plank

February 24, 2021 — 
“The way to build a strong future is by both protecting the environment and creating good jobs,” the Prime Minister has said. And electrically-powered cargo airships meet this criterion.

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Researchers observed that some species, such as antelope, were able to migrate northward, while others, including the Arctic fox, became extinct in areas of what is now Russia. This knowledge can be used to predict how plants and animals will respond to future climate changes

Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources

Knowledge about the past can preserve the biodiversity of tomorrow

August 28, 2020 — 
By mapping the prevalence of species using combined fossil data archives, researchers were able to see how individual plant and animal species — and entire ecosystems — have responded to historical temperature increases

The Apollo 16 crew captured this Earthrise. Apollo 16 launched on April 16, 1972 and landed on the moon on April 20. / Photo: NASA

UM co-signs investment charter and joins forces to address climate change

June 18, 2020 — 
UM has pledged to follow the United Nations’ Principles in Responsible Investing framework

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Purple Martin perched on a stick

A (sorta) good news story about a songbird and climate change

December 12, 2019 — 
A recent discovery suggests Purple Martins, unlike other long-distance migratory songbirds, show promise of being able to adapt to climate change

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Tree leaves against the backdrop of the sky

Op-ed: In climate change fight, simplest solutions might be the most obvious

September 30, 2019 — 
Trees, a simple solution

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