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Research and International News Archive

Mother breastfeeding her baby

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Breastmilk microbiome linked to method of feeding

February 15, 2019 — 
New research from the CHILD Cohort Study has shed some light on this question by highlighting the importance of the infant’s mouth as a source of breastmilk bacteria.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Restructuring molecules, improving health

February 13, 2019 — 
Researcher increases drug effectiveness through flow chemistry

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Photo of clock with 43 seconds on it.

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Come cheer on the 2019 3MT challengers

February 11, 2019 — 
Everyone is invited to come out and watch challengers compete in the heats

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Dr. Erik Magnusson

Faculty of Education

Granting advice

February 8, 2019 — 
Research adviser Dr. Erik Magnusson has two words of advice for anyone applying for a grant: Start early.


a human brain

Can we prevent PTSD?

February 8, 2019 — 
A new U of M study will test if meditation can prevent post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)


a robot hand holding a human hand, surrounded by hearts

The Conversation: For the love of technology! Sex robots and virtual reality

February 8, 2019 — 
'It is fascinating to study how people use technology in their relationships'

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Pills image from iStock.

The Conversation: Tax breaks could soften the blow of a national pharmacare plan

February 6, 2019 — 
'Perhaps the fairest thing would be to grant tax breaks or exemptions for those working in affected businesses or industries (not simply the healthy and wealthy)'

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In 2017, Absolut Vodka ran their "Kiss With Pride" campaign

The Conversation: Out of the closet: Easing the backlash against same-sex couples in advertising

February 6, 2019 — 
Gay-vague advertisements have proven popular with the LGBTQ community members while avoiding backlash from straight consumers. However, as society has become more accepting, mainstream brands started featuring same-sex couples in their advertisements

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Shouldering the load

February 5, 2019 — 
Next instalment of the research seminar explores shoulder biomechanics as a way to inform design and ergonomic solutions. Join us Feb. 11.


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Study reduces racial inequities in breastfeeding rates

February 5, 2019 — 
Lessons learned from a study that reduced racial inequities in breastfeeding rates in the southern United States can be applied in Canada, according to a U of M researcher

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