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Research and International News Archive

ancient fingerprints in clay

UM anthropologist develops technique to age and sex ancient fingerprints

April 20, 2020 — 
There is an intimacy to studying ancient fingerprints, professor says, one that now seems more potent during a time of forced physical distancing

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a swirl of colours like a Jackson Pollock painting

What it is like to be a youth with anxiety

April 16, 2020 — 
This pandemic, one researcher hopes, could help others glimpse into what living with an anxiety disorder is like

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM scientists pull together to collect equipment for health-care workers

April 15, 2020 — 
Microbiologist from Fort Garry campus and medical microbiologist from Bannatyne campus team up to collect protective gear for health-care workers

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Augmented Human conference moves online due to COVID-19

April 9, 2020 — 
An international event focused on improving human capabilities and quality of life through the use of science and technology will take place May 27 – 29, moving to an online format for the first time in its 11-year history. The Augmented Human International Conference was originally scheduled to take place at Fort Garry campus, marking the first time it would be held in Canada.

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Dr. Ryan Zarychanski.

UM researchers receive provincial funding for COVID-19 studies

April 9, 2020 — 
The provincial government has announced $5 million in funding for research related to COVID-19, including $3.5 million for clinical and applied research

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a graphic showing doted lines connecting medical symbols to a cloud

The other health picture, still coming into focus

April 8, 2020 — 
The Manitoba Centre for Health Policy gives a sneak peek into some of the data it is eager to sort through

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N95 decontamination research attracting worldwide interest

April 7, 2020 — 
The news that UM medical researchers have been testing the possibility that N95 Personal; Protection Equipment (PPE) masks can be reused has attracted attention from far and wide.

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UM COVID-19 researcher given ‘extraordinary first virtual citizenship ceremony’

April 3, 2020 — 
A University of Manitoba researcher who is scheduled to soon begin a study on supply chain management issues in the era of COVID-19 is the first person awarded Canadian citizenship through a virtual citizenship ceremony

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Secretary-General António Guterres holds a virtual press conference to release a report on the impact of his call for a global ceasefire during the COVID-19 outbreak. // UN photo/Loey Felipe

Appeal for global ceasefire

April 3, 2020 — 
In late 2018, the University of Manitoba was recognized for its ongoing research and initiatives that contribute to developments in clean water and sanitation and named the United Nations Academic Impact Hub for Sustainable Development Goal 6


Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM researcher leads study on effective N95 mask decontamination during COVID-19 crisis

April 2, 2020 — 
University of Manitoba clinician-scientists and their research partners at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory (NML) have identified effective standard hospital sterilization techniques that may enable in-demand N95 masks to be sterilized up to 10 times for reuse in clinical settings

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