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Research and International News Archive

2020 Vanier Scholar-Javad Alizadeh

Research and International

Meet Javad Alizadeh, one of five of UM’s 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipients.

June 22, 2020 — 
UM Today caught up with Alizadeh to chat about how the Vanier Scholarship will support his research titled: The role of mitophagy and extracellular matrix (ECM) stiffness in the regulation of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) and subsequent metastasis in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) model.

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Research and International

$10 million for discovery science

June 17, 2020 — 
University of Manitoba scientists received a total of $10,667,861 over five years for 80 awards from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery Grants Program.

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People jogging and walking on a path.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Study explores online misinformation around immune boosting and COVID-19

June 15, 2020 — 
Dr. Christen Rachul is studying the spread of misinformation on the internet around claims of immune boosting to prevent COVID-19.

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Brayden Schindell is working in the Kindrachuk Lab on understanding viral outbreaks

COVID-19: Lessons learned from viral outbreaks

June 12, 2020 — 
What did health professionals learn about dealing with viral outbreaks from the Ebola epidemic of 2018?

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An oil slick on a test lake showing a reflection of a forest

Vote for Tyler Black in the Science Exposed photo contest

June 11, 2020 — 
Public voting is open for the 2020 Science Exposed People’s Choice Award and Riddell graduate student Tyler Black needs your votes

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Dr. Ryan Zarychanski.

Study finds Hydroxychloroquine no better than placebo

June 3, 2020 — 
A study published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine has found that the drug hydroxychloroquine does not prevent infection from COVID-19.

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Testing blood in tubes

Hydroxychloroquine not effective in preventing the development of COVID-19 when used as post-exposure prophylaxis

June 3, 2020 — 
This is the main conclusion of the first double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of hydroxychloroquine for disease prevention to be completed.

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Kids in care at high risk of trouble with the law: UM study

June 2, 2020 — 
Spending time in the child welfare system is one of the strongest predictors of being charged with a youth crime, a new Manitoba study reveals

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Summer nursing researchers distanced but connected

June 1, 2020 — 
The Manitoba Centre for Nursing Health Research (MCNHR) Summer Research Internship Program kicked-off its 10th year on May 11, with summer student research assistants working from home for the first time in the program’s history.

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Woman working on computer

New paper sheds light on how Canadians are working right now

June 1, 2020 — 
Two University of Manitoba economists have completed a empirical analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian workplace.

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