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Research and International News Archive

A drawing of planet Earth in space, with spikes emanating from the planet so that it resembles the coronavirus.

Three UM researchers to quickly investigate COVID-19’s knock-on effects

September 21, 2020 — 
Helping the old, the young and the abused

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Dr. Brent Schacter

UM researcher honoured for life’s work

September 18, 2020 — 
Dr. Brent Schacter developed international standards for bio banking biological materials for research

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Dr. Bruce Chown on a stamp

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

New stamp honours health pioneer Dr. Bruce Chown

September 15, 2020 — 
University of Manitoba alumnus Henry Bruce Chown [MD/22] is one of six groundbreaking physicians and researchers being celebrated across the country this week with the unveiling of a set of commemorative Canada Post stamps.

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Tractor with sensors on field

Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

New research chair will reduce greenhouse gas emissions through better fertilizer management

September 14, 2020 — 
Mario Tenuta has been named the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in 4R Nutrient Stewardship

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Research and International

Undergrad Poster Competition Moves Online

September 11, 2020 — 
The annual Undergraduate Research Poster Competition is moving online for the 2020 edition. This competition showcases the breadth and expertise of undergrad research conducted by UM students over the past year.

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Elderly woman with walker

Graduate focus on aging concentration now an option

September 11, 2020 — 
The new Graduate Focus on Aging Concentration has received approval from Senate and will now be available for graduate students to receive

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Yik Au standing in a suit.

Asper School of Business

Diversity Research Awarded

September 9, 2020 — 
Asper Assistant Professor in Finance, Dr. Shiu-Yik (Yik) Au, and his co-investigator, Andréanne Tremblay from Université Lavalhave been awarded a prestigious Social Services and Humanities Council Research Insight Grant (SSHRC) Insight Grant to support their research on the impact discrimination has on firm value.

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Deciding the Fair Priority for COVID-19 vaccine distribution

September 9, 2020 — 
UM philosopher RJ Leland is part of an interdisciplinary research team that has published its suggestion on how best to inform preparations for vaccine distribution, so that doses can be distributed in the most just way possible once a vaccine is available.

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Distinguished Professor Aniruddha Gole [MSc/80, PhD/82], recipient of the Dr. John M. Bowman Memorial Winnipeg Rh Institute Foundation Award

Research and International

Rh Awards Recognize UM Research Excellence

September 8, 2020 — 
Tune in on Sept. 22, 7 pm on the UM YouTube channel to view the Rh Awards Celebration, and hear a bit about each recipient’s research from them, personally.

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COVID-19 pandemic

UM researchers get $9.4M for COVID-19 rapid response grants and clinical trials

September 4, 2020 — 
Research Manitoba has announced $3.8M in research funding to support recipients of the Manitoba COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Competition and eight Manitoba clinical trials related to COVID-19 and applied health research.

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