UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

Research and International News Archive


Nature, Science, CTV: Vaginal microbes thwart HIV prevention

June 13, 2017 — 
Vaginal application of anti-retroviral drugs, such as tenofovir, before sex has had mixed results in preventing HIV infection in women.


Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Ticks on the move

June 9, 2017 — 
A bacterial cattle disease caused by a blood borne pathogen transmitted by ticks has cattle producers on the alert

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Researcher Profile: Dr. Elaine Mordoch

June 8, 2017 — 
Exploring how students who have inherited a legacy of inequity feel about their educational experiences and how it can affect their success.

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mud, grey and deeply cracked from drought

Extreme research, precipitation

June 8, 2017 — 
U of M professors have received funding to study one of the most pressing water-related challenges

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Research Days celebrates graduate health research

June 6, 2017 — 
Over 300 of Canada’s brightest graduate students and postdocs from 21 universities will convene at the University of Manitoba Bannatyne campus for the 30th annual Canadian Student Health Research Forum (CSHRF).

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

UM launches Ongomiizwin—an Indigenous institute that will clear a path for generations to come

June 5, 2017 — 
A special day in the life of the university began with a ceremony in the Medicine Garden/Mashkiki Gitigaan on the Bannatyne campus

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Indigenous voices to inform children’s oral health program

June 5, 2017 — 
Study will consult Indigenous communities on how to enhance Healthy Smile Happy Child program.

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Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Treating dementia patients creatively

June 5, 2017 — 
Dr. Salvador Simó, occupational therapist and researcher at Barcelona’s Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, will be delivering a series of presentations next week on the connection between art therapy and mental health.

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Helping newcomers discover healthy nutrition

June 1, 2017 — 
Nutrition education program helps immigrants and refugees adapt to eating healthy in Canada

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Research into festival mobile device usage wins award

May 31, 2017 — 
For some groups, such as festival organizers, the strategic use of mobile apps is crucial for creating a positive and meaningful experience for consumers. Professor Van Winkle's research explores this issue further.


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