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Research and International News Archive

Dagmar Svecova with students Arezo Rasouli, Sarah Boila, Saeed Gerami, Dibasadat Yamoutzavareh, Maha Ghaib, Rushangkumar Dave and Heather Stefaniuk.

Creating unconventional solutions

February 5, 2018 — 
Dagmar Svecova is helping keep Manitobans safe

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Ashley Ammeter, Robert Duncan, Mohamed Elhiti and Kenny So examining populations in the greenhouse that vary for seed storage protein content. // Photo by Mike Latschislaw

Improving Canada’s most important crop

February 5, 2018 — 
A group of researchers led by plant scientist Rob Duncan is seeking to take a well-known Canadian crop into exciting and underexplored territory


Malcolm Doupe is still fascinated with using computers to dig into data sets, exposing patterns and correlations that can be used to inform health policy.

Driven by data

February 2, 2018 — 
When Malcolm Doupe was a graduate student, he got his first glimpse at how databases can be probed to reveal new evidence about people’s health

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Reinforcement bars at the W.R. McQuade Structures Lab. // Photo: Mike Latschislaw

ResearchLIFE – Discovering a better tomorrow

February 2, 2018 — 
Researchers at the U of M are making an impact at home and around the world

College of Pharmacy researchers Shawn Bugden (l) and Jamie Falk (r) priced and catalogued the major classes of drugs that family physicians see every day.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Comparing drug costs: Research informs physicians, patients

February 1, 2018 — 
Reference guide arms doctors and their patients with the information they need to get the best value

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Asper School of Business

The Brave New World of Work

January 30, 2018 — 
While some of us look at our careers as a long, steady climb up the corporate ladder, a growing number of us are pursuing careers that plunge us instead into a game of snakes and ladders

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

Internship in New Zealand ‘life-changing’ for Metis student

January 29, 2018 — 
Grad student in disability studies says immersion in Maori health research empowered her as a Metis scholar in Manitoba.

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Dr. Josée Lavoie at the Jan. 26, 2018 announcement.

$9.7M investment in innovative health research

January 26, 2018 — 
Manitoba researchers receive funding to study mental health, multiple sclerosis, Indigenous health, and more

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Canada Research Chair Announcement, from left to right: Frank Deer, Terry Duguid, Elder Norman Meade, Jörg Stetefeld, Digvir Jayas

Two new Canada Research Chairs have been awarded to U of M

January 25, 2018 — 
The new announcement of $2.4 million in funding will also renew one of our current Canada Research Chair holders

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Savannah Sparrow // Photo: Paulson Des Brisay

Canadian songbirds forced to change their tunes

January 24, 2018 — 
Some Canadian songbirds have to change their tunes because noise pollution from things like oil and gas drilling equipment otherwise drowns out important parts of their songs, U of M researchers have found

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