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psychology News Archive

A Ponzo illusion

Looking without Perceiving, new study on autism spectrum disorder

July 7, 2016 — 
Graduate student Tiffany Carther-Krone and professor Jonathan Marotta have shed new light on how people with autism spectrum disorders view their surrounding environment

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Free Press: Stealth health

May 16, 2016 — 
Corey Mackenzie, professor and director of the Aging and Mental Health Laboratory at the University of Manitoba’s Centre on Aging interviewed

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Globe and Mail: Advertisers (finally) depicting a broader view of masculinity

February 26, 2016 — 
'Hyper-masculinity, we believe, is a substitute for real social, economic and political power'


The 3MT Final Competition is Feb. 25 from 7-9 p.m. Chris Cadonic, biomedical engineering master's student, is one of the 12 graduate students who will be presenting their research at the event

Graduate students who really know their stuff

February 17, 2016 — 
Twelve finalists made it through the 3MT heats and move on to compete in the final competition on Thursday, Feb. 25

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jamie blanchard

Supporting research into how we age, how we address global health challenges, and how our climate is changing

February 9, 2016 — 
Research funding for new and renewed research chairs – $3.3 million in funding over the next seven years

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JEANNE RANDOLPH one of Canada’s foremost cultural theorists – Writer in Residence Centre for Creative Writing and Oral Culture

January 13, 2016 — 
CCWOC Writer in Residence Dr. Jeanne Randolph

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The Social Brain: Fostering Connections to Understand the Neural Basis of Sociality

November 10, 2015 — 
This two-day workshop will explore developments in our understanding of the neurobiological basis of social behaviour

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Wpg Sun: Lashing out like road rager likely only causes more anger

July 22, 2015 — 
Lashing out to “vent” frustration doesn’t actually serve the stress-relief value many think


Melanie Soderstrom with her daughter

Community Stories

Baby Talk: Supporting early language development

June 16, 2015 — 
Associate Prof. Melanie Soderstrom provides parents with information about the importance of talking to their infants.

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Viola Pansy

I’m So Pansy, a music video

June 5, 2015 — 
The following parody was filmed in the Buller Greenhouse at the U of M. Warning: catchy lyrics

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