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National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation News Archive


Faculty of Arts

Frosty December Morning Movies

December 14, 2016 — 
Heidi Marx and her son attended The Colonizing Lens December show, Professor Marx shares her experience

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The turtle sculpture where sacred fires are lit is located in front of the NCTR.

NCTR and Canada’s History Society hold Indigenous histories forum

November 25, 2016 — 
Canada's top historians, educators and community leaders will gather in Ottawa on Nov. 27 to focus on engaging Canadians in the histories of Indigenous peoples

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Cambrian College President Bill Best and National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) Director Ry Moran affirm a new partnership between the College and the Centre.

Cambrian College partners with NCTR

November 23, 2016 — 
'Without our partners, the work of the Centre cannot be done. Partners are essential to our success in sharing the history of the Residential School System and Survivors’ stories for generations to come, and in moving Reconciliation forward for all Canadians.'

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Truth and Reconciliation: What is it about?

NCTR and Canadian Teachers’ Federation introduce new resource

November 17, 2016 — 
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) at the University of Manitoba and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF) launched a new teacher resource that aims to educate students across the country about Residential Schools

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Sharing the Land Sharing the Future

Sharing the Land, Sharing a Future

November 1, 2016 — 
National Forum hosted at U of M will mark the 20th anniversary of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

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Faculty of Education

Deans of education embrace reconciliation

October 28, 2016 — 
Topping the agenda for some of Canada’s most influential education leaders during a three-day conference in Winnipeg this week was implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commissions calls to action.


Secret Path album cover

Honouring Chanie Wenjack – Public screening of Gord Downie’s Secret Path

October 19, 2016 — 
In partnership with the NCTR and the University of Manitoba, the University of Winnipeg is co-hosting a free public screening of Gord Downie’s Secret Path


Secret Path album cover

Bridging the gaps: Gord Downie growing support for Reconciliation

October 13, 2016 — 
Following on The Secret Path partnership with the NCTR, Canadian icon Gord Downie and his family are joining forces with the family of Chanie Wenjack to expand Reconciliation.

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Initiative launched to empower youth voices

September 30, 2016 — 
The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) at the University of Manitoba, in partnership with the Vice Regal community, has launched the second annual Imagine a Canada national arts and communications initiative



CTV: Push for indigenous culture, history courses to be part of entire curriculum at all levels

September 27, 2016 — 
Indigenous studies need to go beyond one course


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