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Faculty of Science News Archive

A fun chemistry experiment at Science Rendezvous

Faculty of Science

Exploring science in action

May 5, 2015 — 
Science literacy day, Science Rendezvous, offers free prizes, balloons―and slime!

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Faculty of Science

Physics professor Dr. John Page is using sound to make food taste better

April 24, 2015 — 
Global News: Winnipeg researchers using sound to make instant noodles taste better

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Novel multifunctional anti-infective agents discovered!

April 22, 2015 — 
A collaborative UofM study has led to the discovery of a novel class of multifunctional anti-infective agents.

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Faculty of Science

Renovated science lounge enhances the student experience

April 10, 2015 — 
Upgrades have made the space modern, bright and welcoming.


Faculty of Science

Motherboard: Cloning a mammoth is only the start

April 8, 2015 — 
But just how likely is the mammoth’s revival? Molecular biologist Kevin Campbell, a professor from the University of Manitoba, shared his thoughts with Motherboard.

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Faculty of Science

CTV: Manitoba researcher has a plan to make mosquitoes drop like flies

March 30, 2015 — 
Biological sciences professor Steven Whyard was recently featured in a CTV news report for his research into controlling mosquito numbers that involves releasing sterile males into the population.


Research and International

CTV: Manitoba researcher has a plan to make mosquitoes drop like flies

March 27, 2015 — 
Controlling the mozzies

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Faculty of Science

The Manitoban: I love science week

March 25, 2015 — 
Let’s Talk Science at the University of Manitoba is holding the first I Love Science Week from March 23 to 31, reports the Manitoban.

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Faculty of Science

Exploring the unknown

March 23, 2015 — 
Bruce Ford, department of biological sciences, Faculty of Science, believes he has discovered the center of origin of the world’s largest flowering plant genus, and he’s out to prove it on a National Geographic-supported expedition to Vietnam.

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Faculty of Science

The Manitoban: Asymmetrical organocatalysis

March 20, 2015 — 
A Research Profile with Rebecca Davis


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