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Faculty of Education News Archive

Research Administration System Project

Innovating Research Administration Systems

November 27, 2019 — 
Research grants and contracts, both pre- and post-award management – will be moving to a paperless, single sign-on software system beginning in mid-2020.

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Victoria McIntosh smiles as her art is unveiled.

School of Art

A Creation Story illustrated on glass

October 18, 2019 — 
“Pay attention. Don’t get ahead of yourself. The moment is right now. That’s what the stories are about.” - Victoria McIntosh

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Extended Education

Stick with your dreams, pursue your goals

October 7, 2019 — 
“I had so many obstacles and barriers that I had to break through, but I just stuck with it and the Access Program was a really big help for me for that.” - Kaitlin Fosseneuve

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#Fridaysforfuture: When youth push the environmental movement towards climate justice

September 17, 2019 — 
In a time of climate catastrophe, after record-breaking temperatures scorched many parts of the world this summer and a devastating hurricane recently battered the Bahamas, school climate strikes are back

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Frank Deer

One new RSC Fellow, one new RSC College member

September 10, 2019 — 
Professor Dawne McCance has been named a new Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and professor Frank Deer has been elected a member of the RSC’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

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Helen Guenther, student, Extended Education

Extended Education

Retired teacher continues to learn with Extended Education

September 5, 2019 — 
“Give it a chance. Start with one course, see what it’s like. I actually think you’ll like it. Don’t shy away from new opportunities. Don’t be scared. Who knows what life can bring you?” - Helen Guenther

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Elvina science classroom

Faculty of Education

Funding announced for 17 faculty research projects

September 4, 2019 — 
The Faculty of Education has recently attracted more than $710,000 in funding, supporting 16 research projects at the University of Manitoba. The funding supports research projects spanning many aspects of education, from Indigenizing education to civic engagement, among others.


Classroom chalkboard

Research and International

The Conversation: Trauma-informed classrooms can better support kids in care

September 3, 2019 — 
Our team of researchers from the faculties of education and social work at the University of Manitoba are learning about how educators in one school division are working to better support children in care

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Administration Building


U of M to host United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Youth Training Day

August 31, 2019 — 
This unique opportunity will provide students with training to increase their understanding of the United Nations’ 17 SDGs and empower them to take action on issues such as sustainable development, poverty, education, inequality and climate change

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Register TODAY for the June 26 Food Systems Student Symposium

June 18, 2019 — 
There is still time to register for the June 26 Food Systems Student Symposium!

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