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Department of Sociology and Criminology News Archive

Group of Arts students prior to presenting their research

Faculty of Arts

Arts undergrads gather to share research

April 12, 2019 — 
On March 28, 2019, 24 Arts undergraduate students proudly presented their research projects at the 7th annual Arts Undergraduate Research Symposium.

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a mom cares for her elderly dad

Op-ed: Caregiver Recognition Act falls through cracks

March 26, 2019 — 
April 2 is Caregiver Recognition Day in Manitoba. Although the provincial government began to legislate support for them in 2011, the momentum seems to have been lost, leaving caregivers to continue to toil relatively unseen and unhelped.


an empty swing

Wpg Free Press: Daycare should be affordable to all

February 15, 2019 — 
Manitoba needs to do much more to ensure meaningful affordability for parents, and to stabilize a quality early learning and care system with trained early childhood educators.



CBC: ​Q&A: Lori Wilkinson explains why ‘It’s OK to be white’ posters are not OK

November 9, 2018 — 
Lori Wilkinson is a professor of sociology at the U of M who specializes in anti-racism. She talked about the posters, the message and how we should react to them with CBC Manitoba's Information Radio host Marcy Markusa


Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Healing Health Care: From Sick Care towards Salutogenic Healing Systems

October 29, 2018 — 
In his presentation at the Research Seminar Series Nov. 6, Dr. Chris Fries will outline general shortcomings associated with the pathogenic approach to health care, while speaking to the benefits of a system that supports human health and well-being.

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Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management

Paid and unpaid care work for older chronically and terminally ill persons

October 4, 2018 — 
In her presentation at the Research Seminar Series Oct. 16, Dr. Laura Funk will summarize some of her own research into care work for chronically and terminally ill older adults, illustrating the possibilities of qualitative inquiry in this area.

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Wpg Free Press: There were just nine days in 2017 without reports of firearms sightings in Winnipeg

October 3, 2018 — 
University of Manitoba criminology and sociology professor Frank Cormier cautions against jumping to conclusions.


Admin Building and Fort Garry campus.

Faculty of Arts

Faculty of Arts teaching awards announced

July 23, 2018 — 
The 2018 Faculty of Arts annual teaching awards have been announced

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a mom cares for her elderly dad

Op-ed: It’s time we care more about family caregivers

April 3, 2018 — 
Make it easier for them to learn about and access formal services for the person they are caring for


Sport used as a tool for assimilation

February 16, 2018 — 
In the history of Canada, Residential Schools encouraged Indigenous students to participate in mainstream activities such as hockey or football instead of Indigenous activities such as lacrosse, for example

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