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Chemistry News Archive

Faculty of Science

On April 14 Science marches on!

April 9, 2018 — 
For an event that only started a year ago, the March for Science has a lot of momentum behind it

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Faculty of Science

Solar cell pioneer speaks on alternative energy sources

April 9, 2018 — 
World-renowned electrochemist Michael Grätzel's upcoming lecture, entitled “Energy Beyond Oil,” will review recent progress in the area of exploitation of solar energy converters

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Faculty of Science

Volunteer for Science Rendezvous!

March 22, 2018 — 
Consider volunteering for Science Rendezvous, the largest celebration of science and engineering in Canada!

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Faculty of Science

Acclaimed American astronomer to speak on theory of multiverse

March 20, 2018 — 
Dr. Virginia Trimble believes there isn’t just one universe, but many

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Faculty of Science

Puzzling it out: solving the mysteries of molecules, one spectrum at a time

February 13, 2018 — 
For the uninitiated, microwave and infrared spectroscopy is the study of the movement of molecules on a microscopic level. Van Wijngaarden and her team research the properties of these structures, including the way they interact with one another. Crucial to our very existence, molecules make up everything in our world, including us.

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Faculty of Science

Professor Hélène Perreault, recognized for outstanding work in mass spectrometry

February 12, 2018 — 
Professor Hélène Perreault was awarded the 2017 Fred P. Lossing Award, given by the Canadian Society for Mass Spectrometry (CSMS).

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Faculty of Science

A whale of a tale: Biological Sciences student “Science, Action!” video

February 9, 2018 — 
Biological Sciences students Kelsey Johnson, Julia Gulka and Paloma Carvalho have won a spot in the top 75 entries (NSERC) video competition titled: Science, Action!

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Faculty of Science

Faculty of Science Co-op Program lets students earn while they learn

February 1, 2018 — 
“Earn While You Learn”: Sound too good to be true? The Faculty of Science Co-Op Program wants students to know that it’s not. Whether it’s gaining practical experience in their chosen field, building future business connections, or test-driving a career they’re not sure about, the Co-Op program has it all.

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Faculty of Science

cryo EM Seminar: Dr. Wayne Hendrickson, Violin Family Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics, Columbia University

January 23, 2018 — 
Dr. Wayne Hendrickson, Columbia University will deliver a seminar on technological advances in cryo EM.

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Faculty of Science

A networking celebration – Faculty of Science Alumni honoured

January 23, 2018 — 
On Thursday, February 1, 2018, the Faculty of Science will celebrate seven outstanding alumni at the third annual Careers in Science - Pathways to Achievement Event

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