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biosystems engineering News Archive

Landfill. Photo: Alan Levin, Flickr

Op-ed: Household waste can heat our homes

October 3, 2017 — 
Household garbage is a low-hanging fruit in the area of utilizing waste biomass for energy. Let’s take a closer look at this potential resource.

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Electric car charging

Op-ed: Hum hum, not vroom vroom: Electric cars are Manitoba’s road forward

August 29, 2017 — 
How can we follow Norway's example?

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Op-ed: Only one city has a combination of factors that makes it a perfect candidate for battery-electric buses: Winnipeg

August 22, 2017 — 
In a span of 12 years, Winnipeg could have a fully electric fleet of buses operating on its streets, with multiple economic, social and environmental benefits

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Country Guide: Detecting spoilage before it starts

August 1, 2017 — 
Adaptation of cancer-screening technology offers a better and safer way to check for grain bin moisture

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Creating sustainable food systems

February 15, 2017 — 
NSERC supports conservation agriculture study

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Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences

Biosystems engineer honoured for professional service

December 9, 2016 — 
Dr. Jitendra Paliwal from the Department of Biosystems Engineering was recently recognized with a Fellowship from Engineers Canada.

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Price Faculty of Engineering

Province adding 18 new engineering seats, new engineering hybrid pathway at U of M

September 14, 2015 — 
Young Manitobans who want to become professional engineers will soon have more opportunities to enter the Faculty of Engineering thanks to $500,000 in new funding from the province that will create 18 new seats and a new hybrid pathway between the U of M and other post-secondary institutions.

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Price Faculty of Engineering

Keeping Canadian grain competitive

August 11, 2015 — 
Researchers at the University of Manitoba are developing new ways to monitor wheat bins to preserve what's inside and give Canadian farmers a leg-up for export.


Shopping cart with food products

Research and International

Creating a new and sustainable food source for northern communities

July 31, 2015 — 
A biosystems engineering team at the U of M are creating innovative greenhouses to help food production in the North

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Rhianna Holter-Ferguson speaking at the Day of Pink // Photo courtesy of the Canadian Red Cross

Red Cross names U of M student Young Humanitarian of the Year

July 20, 2015 — 
Anti-bullying advocate helps to create safe spaces

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