UM Today UM Today University of Manitoba UM Today UM Today UM Today

academic News Archive

University of Manitoba administration building, with the sun rising behind it in autumn.

Human Resources

Keynote speakers explore civility and incivility in academia

March 28, 2017 — 
All University of Manitoba faculty members are invited to attend a presentation on civility and incivility in academia.

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People walking on brick sidewalk with autumn trees in the background.

Message to students from Vice-Provost (Students) Susan Gottheil

November 21, 2016 — 
'We will continue to listen to your concerns and provide you with information as it becomes available'


stadium campus

Student discipline FAQ

September 6, 2016 — 
Details on the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure, Student Discipline Bylaw and other protocols and student support resources available

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Academic policy changes and Limited Access FAQ

August 30, 2016 — 
A number of policy introductions and revisions designed to facilitate access to courses were approved.

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Emergency: 204-474-9341