Join the summer registration scavenger hunt!
Uncover the clues and reacquaint yourself with the twists and turns of course planning
Set off on your academic adventure! With Summer Term registration just around the corner, now is the time to refresh yourself with the twists and turns of course planning and registration at UM. Follow our clues to discover valuable resources and unlock your academic success:
Clue 1: Where do you find to courses, schedules, prerequisites, rules, and regulations?
(Hint: Academic Calendar)
Clue 2: Where can you check your degree requirements?
(Hint: UM Achieve, Academic Advisors, your faculties regulations and requirements).
Clue 3: Where can you go for assistance with course selection?
(Hint: Academic Advisors, first year planning guide, Register for Summer workshop (Geared Towards First-Year Students))
Clue 4: Who can provide you with expert advice regarding your academic program?
(Hint: Academic Advisors in your faculty).
Clue 5: Where can you find a list of courses being offered in Summer term 2024?
(Hint: The Summer 2024 schedule contains all courses being offered in Summer term, with any currently available details).
Clue 6: How do you know when it is your time to register (add) your courses?
(Hint: Your Aurora account will release your time ticket on March 25th).
Clue 7: Where do you register for your courses?
(Hint: Log in to Aurora at your registration time and sign up for your desired courses).
Clue 8: Where can you find information on exams, and how to re-schedule if you have conflicts?
(Hint: Our exams page has a lot of helpful resources, as well as information on how to resolve exam scheduling conflicts).
Clue 9: Where do you view and pay your fees?
(Hint: your tuition and fee charges are available in your Aurora account summary. There are many ways you can pay your tuition.
Alternatively – you will find a step-by-step guide to registration and course selection on our Steps to Registration page.
Get ready to embark on an exciting academic journey filled with discovery and success!