Public Lecture Series on Well-Being in Schools
The lecture series “Well-Being and Well-Becoming in Schools in Canada” is organized by Thomas Falkenberg, professor, Faculty of Education and Trang Pham PhD student, Faculty of Education.
The seven lecture series provides an opportunity to engage with the idea of making student well-being a central educational concern for public schooling in Manitoba and across Canada. “The series of lectures has been created to respond to a range of interesting questions around the notion that student well-being should be a central educational concern for school education in Canada,” explains Falkenberg.
These questions explore student well-being in Canadian schools as a central educational concern. What are students saying about the importance of their well-being as an educational concern if they are given a voice? What are educators and school divisions currently doing or could do to make student well-being a central educational concern and what issues do they need to engage with? What needs to be considered from a school systems perspectives if we wanted to make student well-being a central educational concern?
“While the lectures are scholarly in nature, each lecture can be expected to be accessible by the general public with an interest in the focus of the respective lecture. Since the lectures in this series are organized as hybrid events, which means that people can attend the lectures in person or online via Zoom,” explains Falkenberg.
The seven lectures in this series are scheduled for Fall 2023 (September – November) and Winter 2024 (January – April). Each session runs from 4:30 – 5:30pm, four more lectures coming up in Winter.
Lecture 1: Physical education teachers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic: Conceptualizing outdoors as a resource for school wellbeing.
Monday, September 25, 2023. 4:30 – 5:30p.m.
Presenters: Jordan Laidlaw & jay a johnson (University of Manitoba)
Lecture 2: Children’s well-being, autonomy, and paternalism in schools: Are we justified in paternalizing children?
Monday, October 23, 2023. 4:30 – 5:30p.m.
Presenter: Heather Krepski (University of Winnipeg)
Lecture 3: Loneliness and Belonging in Canadian Schools: A Research Synthesis.
Monday, November 27, 2023. 4:30 – 5:30p.m.
Presenters: Thomas Falkenberg & Rebeca Heringer (University of Manitoba)
Registration: Please register to reserve your seat for in-person attendance or to receive the Zoom link for on-line attendance. To register, following this link: Eventbrite Registration
For questions about the Lecture Series, please email events@wellbeinginschools.ca