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New online feedback tool allows for confidential disclosure

Fraud or financial misconduct can be reported to Audit Services

June 11, 2018 — 

In June, Audit Services launched a new online tool for people to report any fraud or financial misconduct at the University of Manitoba. The online disclosure form can be used by faculty, staff, students, and the wider campus community.

This tool supports U of M’s Safe Disclosure (Whistleblowing) Policy, which informs how the university manages disclosures. Disclosures can range from theft to altering financial information for a personal or university advantage to disregarding university policies and controls. See a full definition and list of examples on the Audit Services website.

“As a designated group under the provincial Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act, we are required to find ways to respond to  disclosures,” says Lynn Zapshala-Kelln, Vice-President (Administration).

“Our university policy  promotes disclosures from the broadest possible scope of individuals, and we believe the new online tool can help us achieve this goal.”

Individuals are encouraged to first discuss concerns with their immediate supervisor. This is an important step because the supervisor might be able to clarify information and resolve any concerns.  Alternatively, individuals can also relay their concerns directly to Audit Services with the online disclosure form.

Audit Services will evaluate all concerns to determine if an investigation is required, handling all information in a confidential and sensitive manner.


To access the online disclosure form, visit the Audit Services website.

If you have any questions about the overall process or online form, contact Janice Martin, Director, Audit Services, or 204-474-9128.

The U of M’s Safe Disclosure (Whistleblower) Policy and Procedures are found on the University Governance website.

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