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Faculty of Science News Archive

someone hold up slides of what looks like blood

$10.4 million investment in transformative health research

January 28, 2019 — 
CIHR funds 15 studies that will benefit individuals coping with disabilities and many life-threatening conditions

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Faculty of Science News

Meet our Honoured Science Alumni

January 21, 2019 — 
On Thursday, January 31st, 2019, the Faculty of Science will celebrate seven outstanding alumni at the third annual Faculty of Science Honoured Alumni Awards, Pathways to Exceptional Achievement Event.

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Michelle Boyce was part of a team of astronomers who used a large arc array to detect odd signals coming from distant galaxies

The U of M cosmic connection

January 18, 2019 — 
Physics grad part of major discovery

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Exhibit: Exploring the natural world through artist books

January 14, 2019 — 
An exhibition of extraordinary handmade books revealing the biological world from miniature to gigantic format

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Faculty of Science News

UofM hosts successful Manitoba Lake Sturgeon Science Workshop

January 11, 2019 — 
Held on the UofM’s Fort Garry Campus, the event (co-organized by Biological Sciences’ Dr. Gary Anderson and Manitoba Hydro) drew more than 100 representatives from over 30 different organizations, including provincial and federal bodies, First Nations and industry for a variety of presentations, sharing of knowledge, and discussion of best practices.


Gizmodo: New Theory Suggests Charles Darwin Suffered from Lyme Disease

January 10, 2019 — 
“Charles Darwin’s strange collection of symptoms defied the medical experts of his day for an explanation,” U of M's Jeffrey M. Marcus tells the magazine.


The northern fulmar, bird of prey // Image: Mark Mallory

Where to eat in the North American Arctic

January 4, 2019 — 
Researchers develop novel maps to help protect crucial Arctic ecosystems

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an illiutsrtion of birch trees in snow

Editors pick their top stories of 2018

December 20, 2018 — 
Chosen becasue they inspire hope, bring a smile, or make you learn something useful, like how to prevent your computer from catching fire. 

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New antibacterial compound to combat cystic fibrosis infections

November 27, 2018 — 
Dr. Silvia Cardona publishes results of cystic-fibrosis-related research in prestigious ASM journal

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Team Bee Box captured the grand prize of $5,000 as well as the People’s Choice award of $500.

Sweet win for Bee Box

November 26, 2018 — 
The 2018 edition of Game Changer: Manitoba’s Idea Competition, wrapped up with an exciting round of presentations from the three finalist teams

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