UofM hosts successful Manitoba Lake Sturgeon Science Workshop
Event highlights importance of conservation and partnership to a diverse group of stakeholders
When it comes to a fish story, the bigger the better, and there’s likely no bigger fish in Manitoba than the iconic Lake Sturgeon. So it was that on December 14th, 2018, conservation of this culturally iconic yet at-risk species was the main topic of discussion at the Manitoba Lake Sturgeon Science Workshop.
Held on the UofM’s Fort Garry Campus, the event (co-organized by Biological Sciences’ Dr. Gary Anderson and Manitoba Hydro) drew more than 100 representatives from over 30 different organizations, including provincial and federal bodies, First Nations and industry for a variety of presentations, sharing of knowledge, and discussion of best practices.
“Lake Sturgeon are an important species to a diverse group of stakeholders,” said organizer and Manitoba Hydro representative Stephanie Backhouse who completed her Master’s degree at the University of Manitoba/