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Faculty of Science News Archive

Microbes, not chemicals: Reducing GHGs through sustainable fertilizer alternatives

September 8, 2023 — 
UM’s Ivan Oresnik is co-leading a $6 million crop production research project focused on helping farmers reduce their reliance on chemical fertilizers.

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2023 Schulich Leaders Cody McDonald and Simar Ubhi walk across campus. They are smiling as they talk to each other and there are green trees in the background. Cody wears glasses and dark clothing under a plaid shirt. Simar wears a blue dress shirt with khakis.

Students News

Impressive resumes and bright futures: meet the 2023 Schulich Leaders

September 8, 2023 — 
Two outstanding incoming UM students have once again been awarded Schulich Leader Scholarships. Simar Ubhi (Engineering), from Kildonan-East Collegiate, and Cody McDonald (Science), from Murdoch Mackay Collegiate, are this year’s Schulich Leaders.  

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Research and International News

Four new Royal Society of Canada scholars named at UM

September 5, 2023 — 
Four UM professors have been elected to the Royal Society of Canada (RSC), the country’s most esteemed association of scholars and scientists.

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Faculty of Science News

Preventing the evolutionary escape of viruses

August 29, 2023 — 
Fabian Rohden named as Vanier Scholar for his microbiology research at UM

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Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Four UM graduate students named Vanier Scholars

August 29, 2023 — 
Students from the Faculty of Kinesiology and Recreation Management, Rady Faculty of Health Sciences, and Faculty of Science are Vanier Scholars

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Cardona lab group photo.

Faculty of Science News

Can we improve antibiotics against superbugs?

August 16, 2023 — 
In a recent study, researchers at the Faculty of Science investigated Burkholderia cepacia complex, a bacteria resistant to many antibiotics. Cardona research group has found that disrupting a molecule called undecaprenyl phosphate increased the bacteria's vulnerability to common antibiotics. This discovery could lead to more effective treatments for drug-resistant infections.

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Louis Slotin (left) and fellow students, Harvey Cohen (centre) and Charles Alan Ayre (right) in chemistry lab at the University of Manitoba, ca. 1933-34.

Louis Slotin: The life and death of a UM alum at Los Alamos

August 8, 2023 — 
UM chancellor Henry Duckworth, called him "one of the genuine heroes of the Atomic Age"

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illustration of robot and human holding hands

Strange new tech world? We have courses for that.

July 17, 2023 — 
Five courses teaching students how to think about and apply technology in new ways so that we can make sure the cows are happy and the machines don’t toy with our emotions.

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a photo of a laboratory experiment on a glass with colours

Faculty of Science News

Innovative ideas and approaches: an inspiring interview with a recent microbiology graduate

July 5, 2023 — 
Andrew Hogan shares about pursuing his PhD for Microbiology while highlighting the significant resources and collaborations that shaped his academic journey.

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Faride Rafiei PhD chemistry student at Jorg Stetefeld Lab

Faculty of Science News

Cancer treatment – One big step closer

June 27, 2023 — 
Learn about how Jörg Stetefeld and his team at the Faculty of Science are pushing the boundaries of knowledge when it comes to cancer treatment with one idea, understanding how netrin works.

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