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Faculty of Graduate Studies News

Thank you for Your Input

September 29, 2016 — 
Thank you to all the students who participated in the Canadian Graduate and Professional Students Survey (CGPSS).


Peter Trokajlo on summit of Mt Blanc

CANDID: Meet Peter Trokajlo

September 28, 2016 — 
He's climbed two mountains but wishes he was less cautious in life. He volunteers at a hospital, has a difficult time deciding what his favourite element is, and researches how plastic can deliver anti-cancer drugs

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People walking on brick sidewalk with autumn trees in the background.

“We took the time to get it right”

September 2, 2016 — 
The new sexual assault policy is designed to provide support to individuals who experience sexual assault and to provide guidelines and training to community members on how to respond.

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Globe and Mail: Working on my second PhD, my interest in Alzheimer’s became a duty

September 1, 2016 — 
Ahmad Byagowi, a 34-year-old student, just defended his second PhD in electrical engineering

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Graduate Student Orientation takes place on Sept. 6 & 7. Events are free and registration is required.

Been there, haven’t done that

August 23, 2016 — 
Considering the seemingly countless number of hours new grad students have already spent in school, at first glance, another orientation session might seem unnecessary. It's not.

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Jill Bueddefeld at the zoo

CANDID: Meet Jill Bueddefeld

July 22, 2016 — 
She loves Hudson the polar bear, despises a particular peacock, and still cherishes a certain collection of stamps

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CBC: Winnipeg photography project gives voice to the women of North Point Douglas

July 14, 2016 — 
Grad student Emma Bonnemaison created a project that merged peace work with arts based approaches to community development

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U of M prepares for kickoff at RoboCup 2016

Robotic soccer team wins big at RoboCup

July 11, 2016 — 
Students just finished competing at RoboCup, the world's largest and most prestigious competition for intelligent soccer robots, with more than 3,500 participants from across the globe

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Warren Blunt

CANDID: Meet Warren Blunt, Wu Scholar

June 23, 2016 — 
He dislikes social media, loves research, and is incredibly thankful to a Knight he has never met

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Professor Cyrus Shafai is one of 71 U of M professors who will share $10,317,757 in funding from NSERC's Discovery Grants program.

$11.5 million announced for research

June 23, 2016 — 
Established researchers and research trainees at the University of Manitoba will receive new funding for grants and scholarships from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) over the next five years


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