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Faculty of Architecture
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Faculty of Architecture News Archive

Faculty of Architecture News

Student Winners of Brickworks Contest Announced

January 12, 2018 — 
The Brickworks competition was launched in the fall as part of the Atmosphere symposium on Fabrications (Feb. 1-3). Nearly 50 fabulous submissions were received.

Faculty of Architecture News

Faculty of Architecture 2017 Highlights

January 11, 2018 — 
summary of stories from 2017


New book explores legacy of architecture firm behind iconic Winnipeg buildings and neighbourhoods

January 9, 2018 — 
They were all graduates of the School of Architecture at the University of Manitoba.


Internationally renowned authority on mineralogy and crystallography, Riddell Faculty of Earth, Environment and Resources professor Frank Hawthorne was promoted to Companion of the Order of Canada

Alumni and faculty appointed to the Order of Canada

January 2, 2018 — 
Gov. Gen. Julie Payette announced new appointments to the Order of Canada, including U of M alumni and faculty

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Faculty of Architecture News

Inspiring Minds through Experiential Learning

December 10, 2017 — 
The Faculty of Architecture is pleased to announce that its Cooperative Education program is now fully approved and moving ahead. Job placements will begin May 2018.

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Faculty of Architecture News

MID Graduate Carla Pienaar wins the IDC Design Research Award

November 8, 2017 — 
MID Graduate Carla Pienaar wins the IDC Design Research Award


Students News

Career Mentor – Andrew Smith

November 7, 2017 — 
Andrew Smith [BSc/85, MCP/89] is one of 700+ Career Mentor volunteers who devote time to meeting University of Manitoba students.

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a fake ballot that says VOTE on the top with options including Yes, No, Don't Know and Don't Care. A check mark is next to Don't Care.

Is the municipal electoral system in need of reform?

October 17, 2017 — 
A new paper looks at the potential for electoral reform and its consequences

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Faculty of Architecture News

Achieving Alumni: Jason Syvixay

October 13, 2017 — 
Jason Syvixay, MCP 2017 has been boosting the arts and culture scene of downtown Winnipeg long before he defended his thesis and received his degree in city planning.

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Architecture professor Herb Enns with students. // Photo by David Lipnowski

Whole new (3D) world

October 10, 2017 — 
Students and profs at the university are utilizing this unique technology in their labs and classrooms

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