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Extended Education News Archive

Photo of hands using a magnifying glass over paper.

Extended Education News

Global News: University of Manitoba holding course on media literacy, indentifying misinformation

May 1, 2023 — 
"This course is for everyone." - Cecil Rosner

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Photo of hand holding a cell phone with Fake News on the screen.

Extended Education News

The Manitoban: U of M introduces media literacy program

April 12, 2023 — 
“Everybody depends on media for understanding what’s going on in the world, so you have to be able to properly read the messages that come at you, whether it’s in media stories or on social media.” - Cecil Rosner

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Photo of newspaper article.

Extended Education News

Jewish Post and News: Cecil Rosner to teach new course on media literacy

April 4, 2023 — 
"It’s designed to help people decode news media, spot disinformation, and it teaches techniques of investigative journalism so people can find information on their own. " - Cecil Rosner

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Photo of keyboard buttons with fake news and facts written on them.

Extended Education News

CBC: New program at the University of Manitoba teaches media literacy

March 30, 2023 — 
“Things journalists think about… ordinary people can be given the tools to verify information.” - Cecil Rosner

Photo of a wall of video screens.

Extended Education News

Winnipeg Free Press: U of M program puts media literacy in spotlight

March 29, 2023 — 
“In one way or another, everybody consumes media. Therefore, I think it’s important everybody understands how to read it." - Cecil Rosner

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Fake news filter: UM Extended Education to offer Media Literacy program

March 29, 2023 — 
If you’ve ever wondered how to sort fact from fiction from everything you see online, hear in conversations, and in the media, there is now a program to help.

Indigenous student with star blanket and medallion.

Extended Education News

Manitoba Indigenous Youth Achievement Awards for Access Program students

December 15, 2022 — 
“This is a huge honour to be recognized for my accomplishments. It is validating and it reminds me of the strength it took to get here." - April Quill

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Photo of hand with finger pointing to AI button.

Extended Education News

Preparing for the future with micro-certificates

December 13, 2022 — 
“Micro-credentials like these micro-certificates can play an important role, complement a degree, be stand-alone and provide employers with what they are looking for.” – Rod Lastra

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Photo of book, graduation cap, and toonies.

Extended Education News

Extended Education UM Alumni Benefit offers first course at a discount

December 6, 2022 — 
Sometimes one course is all you need.

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Photo of graduates in gowns tossing caps in the air.

Extended Education News

An evening to celebrate graduation

December 5, 2022 — 
"We have been waiting for this moment. It was a beautiful night.” - Claudia Martinez


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