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Asper School of Business
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Asper School of Business News Archive

GlobalFest fireworks finale

Asper School of Business News

Baptism by fire

July 30, 2016 — 
Asper alumnus Ken Goosen remembers exactly how his addiction to fireworks began

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Asper School of Business News

UMTI director discusses Port of Churchill shutdown

July 29, 2016 — 
Adolf Ng says northern indigenous communities should be part of new ownership scenario


CBC: PC finance minister blames NDP for latest provincial credit downgrade

July 18, 2016 — 
Michael Benarroch, dean of the Asper School of Business at the University of Manitoba, said it's accurate for Friesen to say the PCs inherited a fiscal mess from the NDP.

Asper School of Business News

Arni Thorsteinson Study Exchange Program: Summer 2016 Update

July 11, 2016 — 
The 2016 Arni Thorsteinson Study Exchange Program to Israel was a huge success. Thanks to an ongoing generous donation from Mr. Gerald Schwartz and Ms. Heather Reisman, 14 students from the Asper School of Business and 8 from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev were able to participate in this life changing experience from May 8 - June 2, 2016.

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Asper School of Business News

UMTI director provides expert advice to the UN on climate change adaptation 

July 6, 2016 — 
Adolf K.Y. Ng shared his view on the attitude of transportation stakeholders when adapting to climate change impacts



Globe and Mail: Why airships should replace jets for moving freight

June 30, 2016 — 
That’s certainly the thinking behind University of Manitoba professor Barry Prentice’s latest research exploring the futuristic realm of airship technology.

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Asper School of Business News

Bridging the cultural divide

June 29, 2016 — 
Asper alumna Bonita Paquette (née Wong) [BComm (Hons)/93] knows first-hand the challenges of cross-cultural communication

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Asper School of Business News

Spring Convocation

June 2, 2016 — 
Congratulations to all the Asper graduates receiving degrees this Spring


CBC: Mild criticism for new PC government’s fiscal debut

June 1, 2016 — 
It's a moderate and simple budget, according to Michael Benarroch

Gene Muller

Bison Sports names new Director of Athletics and Recreation

June 1, 2016 — 
Gene Muller, Olympic coach, assumes his new role at the University of Manitoba on September 1

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