MB Co-Operator: Preserve natural habitat and enjoy free pest control
As the Manitoba Co-Operator reports:
New research at the University of Manitoba is trying to find out more about how the landscape, different crops, and movement patterns of predator and parasitic insects affect the degree of suppression of crop pests.
Researchers already know that most predator insects such as lady beetles and lacewings find places to complete their life cycles outside of crop fields.
“Many insects find residencies outside the field for most of the season,” said entomologist Alejandro Costamagna of the University of Manitoba in a recent presentation to the Manitoba Agronomist Conference in Winnipeg.
“Some are overwintering sites, moderate microclimates, alternative prey or hosts, or host plants, and nectar or pollen sources are very important for parasitoids to have enough energy to find their prey.”
We have three buildings that are extremely infested with mice. We are using Poulins to help get rid of them. Web spend thousands and thousands of dollars with out luck. I’m look for ideas. If you cannot help me can you point me in the right direction?