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Join your fellow employees for fun events

Summer schedule includes Folklorama tour, corn maze and a walk in the park

July 30, 2019 — 

Keri Burling, administrative assistant in human resources, is looking forward to getting together with her colleagues outside of the office.

A number of upcoming fun activities for staff and their families has been organized by the support staff endowment fund (SSEF) committee. All support staff are welcome to join.

“I’m hoping to attend with my co-workers in human resources and meet new people from other departments,” says Burling. 

King’s park walk

Coming up on August 15, the committee has scheduled a walk to King’s Park at noon. The total walk will take just under an hour. It’s a great opportunity to step away from your desk, get some exercise and meet new people. 

Folklorama tour

Support staff can sign up for an all-inclusive VIP group tour to three Folklorama pavilions in the evening of August 15. The pavilions include Metis, Brazilian, and the Philippines. Participants will enjoy transportation between the pavilions, admission, no-lines, reserved seating, a delicious meal and world-class entertainment.

A Maze in Corn

The final summer gathering will be an excursion to A Maze in Corn on September 7. Bring your families and race through the corn maze. You can enjoy a free bus ride from the U of M or meet the group at the maze.

Says Burling, “The university is quite large so it’s nice to have events that bring people together that you wouldn’t normally meet.”


You can learn more about the upcoming events and download the event registration forms on the support staff endowment fund website.

The Support Staff Endowment Fund (SSEF) is a university trust established for the purpose of supporting activities and projects that promote excellence among U of M support staff.

If you have any questions about the SSEF, please email



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