How to deal with wasps in your backyard
It’s the heart of wasp season, meaning those pesky insects are likely buzzing around your backyard. Wasps are a nuisance for most people trying to enjoy a beautiful late-summer evening outdoors. For some people who are allergic, wasps can pose a serious danger.
Professor Rob Currie, head of the entomology department at the University of Manitoba (the only stand-alone entomology department in Canada) provides tips for dealing with wasps buzzing in your backyard, and busts some of the common myths and misconceptions for handling these insects. Some people claim a paper bag will scare away wasps, while professor Currie’s own mother claims Bounce dryer sheets will keep the bugs at bay.
If your backyard has become home for wasps, it might be time to kill of the nest. Professor Currie also shows how to properly treat a wasp nest with various types of insecticidal spray.
What’s good protective clothing? Not sure if I am allergic or not, but have two nests in my porch that I need to get rid of before they get bigger.
Professor Robert Currie says: “If the protective clothing that they are asking about is meant to be worn when removing the nest, they can just wear long pants with pant legs tucked into their socks (if nervous wear a couple of pairs or have thick socks). A long sleeved shirt or jacket that is light in colour, a pair of gloves (silver lined dish washing gloves provide adequate protection) and a mosquito head net as a veil (sealed around the neck).”
I cannot find the nest. …. Just want a deterrent so that I can enjoy my supper on my Ground Level deck, A container of a liquid that attracts them and they drown!