Father Colin, St. Paul's College.
First Christmas as Chaplain of St. Paul’s College
Fr. Colin Peterson Celebrates first Christmas Eve Mass as Chaplain of St. Paul’s College
A graduate of the University of Manitoba, Fr. Colin, returned to the College in August 2019 to begin his role as Chaplain of St. Paul’s College. Since joining the College, Fr. Colin has already presided over the Annual Opening Mass, the Annual Folk Mass, Vespers at the College’s annual Celebration of Giving and Sharing, Mass at the Annual College Barn Mass, and will soon preside over the Annual Christmas Eve Mass at the College on December 24th.
The Annual Christmas Eve Mass, invites the St. Paul’s College community to return to the College to celebrate Christmas Eve Mass in Christ the King Chapel. Following Mass, a community potluck will take place in Hanley Hall.
“I’m really looking forward to my first Christmas Eve Mass here at St. Paul’s College. It will be, first and foremost, a celebration of our Saviour’s birth and the great hope that comes with his arrival. But it will also be an opportunity to celebrate Christmas with my new family, the brothers and sisters in Christ, that I have come to know and love over these last few months,” said Fr. Colin.
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Fr. Peterson graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1974 from University of Manitoba. After graduating from seminary school at the Vancouver School of Theology, he was ordained a minister of the United Church of Canada in 1978. Fr. Colin served three parishes before becoming a Correctional Chaplain at the Manitoba Youth Centre in 2001. In 2011 at the Easter Vigil, Fr. Colin converted to Catholicism and began a period of formation in preparation for ordination. After serving an internship at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish, he was ordained into the priesthood in June of 2016. Following ordination, he served as Parochial Vicar of St. Vital Parish. Fr. Colin is married to his wife Sandy, where they have been blessed with three children, and four grandchildren.
“One of the greatest joys of priestly ministry here at the St. Paul’s College is the opportunity to encounter students who represent the diversity of the Roman Catholic Church. There is the diversity of culture and ethnicity, but also the diversity of Catholic expression – the ways we live and understand our faith. The great unifying factor is our desire to know and love and serve our Lord,” said Fr. Colin.
Christmas Eve Mass will begin at 8:00pm in Christ the King Chapel, at St. Paul’s College. Free parking is available in Q-Lot Across from the College. All are invited to attend. Following Christmas Eve Mass, Christ the King Chapel will be closed until Sunday, December 29th.
Deep thanks for this awesome news for my alma mater!!!