Participants at a staff and faculty wellness event at Buller Greenhouse.
Faculty and staff wellness at UM
Your input matters: Participate in the Canadian Campus Well-being Survey for Employees
All UM faculty and staff are invited to provide feedback on employee health and wellness through the Canadian Campus Well-being Survey (CCWS) for employees, launching Feb. 1 and open until the end of the day on Feb. 22.
Your participation will help us to learn more about faculty and staff experiences at the UM with respect to well-being. Survey data and feedback will inform the development and improvement of UM health and wellness programs and services; and will assist to evaluate progress in promoting the health and well-being of our staff and faculty.
The survey takes 15-20 minutes to complete. Please note that a link to the survey is being sent from Employee.Wellbeing.Survey [at] umanitoba.ca to each UM employee on Wednesday, Feb. 1.
Participation is entirely voluntary and strictly confidential. Responses are not linked to any records or personal information at UM. Results of this survey will be provided to UM at a group level; no individual responses will be reported.
UM participated two previous years in the student version of this survey, in spring 2022 and spring 2021, and will participate again in 2023.
If you have any questions about this survey or about wellness and mental health at UM, email mental.health@umanitoba.ca
More about the Canadian Campus Well-being Survey (CCWS)
The Canadian Campus Wellbeing (CCWS) is a national, comprehensive, voluntary and strictly confidential survey coordinated by the University of British Columbia that assesses the health and well-being status of students, staff and faculty in the post-secondary sector.
Used by many Canadian post-secondary institutions, the survey asks questions relating to mental health, risk and protective factors, sleep, exercise and food security, workplace experience, and use of health services and resources — all questions from well-established surveys commonly used for Canadian populations.
As a Canadian health and wellbeing assessment tool for Canadian campuses, the CCWS is specifically designed to help Canadian post-secondary institutions better support whole campus health and well-being. Institutions can choose to take part in the CCWS for students, and/or the CCWS for employees.
Learn more about the Canadian Campus Wellbeing (CCWS).
Survey details and privacy
- Consent: By completing this survey individuals are giving informed consent to the collection of the information in the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey.
- Confidentiality: All responses are confidential and de-identified (anonymized), which means they cannot be linked to individuals or individual email addresses.
- Data collection and results: De-identified data is combined with de-identified results from other Canadian institutions and stored in a data registry solely under the custodianship of the CCWS analysts and may only be accessed through case-level datasets prepared by CCWS analysts for approved researchers and third-parties for research purposes. Results of the survey are reported in statistically aggregated form only.
- Employee/professional record: No part of any responses to this survey will become part of any employee record, nor will it affect any employment in any way. Survey results are reported in statistically aggregated form only, and it is not possible for the University of Manitoba or CCWS to identify individual employees.
- Personal information: Personal information is collected under the authority of section 26(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act for the sole purpose of this survey. Questions can be directed to the CCWS at survey@ccws-becc.ca.
- Survey administration: The CCWS is administered via the UBC Survey Tool, a cloud-based service provisioned by Qualtrics. It complies with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) with data kept secure, stored and backed up on Canadian servers. Information collected via Survey Tool is kept secure using measures including data encryption.
- Research ethics: This survey has been approved by the Research Ethics Board at the University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus. The University of Manitoba has the right to audit records, and research procedures are subject to auditing by the Office of Research Ethics and Compliance.
- Research ethics concerns: Concerns or complaints about this project may be directed to the Human Ethics Coordinator at 204-474-7122, or by e-mail at humanethics@umanitoba.ca.
- Research participant concerns: For concerns or complaints about your rights as a research participant and/or your experiences while participating in this study, contact Arlana Vadnais, Campus Mental Health Facilitator, at 204-474-8323, or by e-mail at arlana.vadnais@umanitoba.ca or contact the Human Ethics Coordinator at 204-474-7122, or by e-mail at humanethics@umanitoba.ca
- General contact/concerns: Arlana Vadnais, Campus Mental Health Facilitator, at 204-474-8323, or by e-mail at arlana.vadnais@umanitoba.ca