Education welcomes four new faculty members
The Faculty of Education is happy to welcome four new academic faculty members.
Dr. Kathryn Riley, Assistant Professor
This summer Dr. Kathryn Riley joined the Faculty of Education as an Assistant Professor of Physical Education & movement, Health & wellbeing, and Outdoor & Place-based Education. As a teacher of Physical Education, Health, and Outdoor Education, Kathryn has been working with diverse learners across the elementary and high-school sectors in various school-based settings in Australia, the U.K., and Canada since 2008. Kathryn completed her Ph.D. at Deakin University in 2019, positioning her research within the Saskatchewan-based education system to explore different ways to (re)story human/Earth relationships for socioecological justice in environmental education. Focused on posthumanist and new materialist scholarship within an anticolonial praxis, Kathryn’s research seeks to advance relational and sustainable solidarities with Land/Country/Place.
Dr. Latika Rasinghani, Instructor I
Dr. Latika Raisinghani has comprehensive experience of supporting diverse students’ learning, and of leading professional development of teachers, school leaders and faculty in Canada, Micronesia, India, and wider international contexts. Her interdisciplinary teaching and research focus on understanding nature of science, critical analysis of curriculum, instructional and assessment strategies, and engaging with multiple cultural ways of knowing to explore socially and ecologically-just, responsive pedagogies that may help invite (trans-multi)culturally responsive education as one way to respond to various dimensions of student diversity in contemporary classrooms.
Dr. Marti Ford, Assistant Professor
Dr. Marti Ford is of mixed heritage with Inuit and settler roots. She is the past President and Board Chair of the Manitoba Inuit Association. She is an educator and has been a teacher, principal, Director of Education, School Superintendent at Frontier School Division, and Dean of Indigenous Education at Red River College. Marti most recently worked for Frontier School Division recruiting teachers. Marti has worked locally throughout the province of Manitoba in First Nations and Metis communities. She has worked internationally in Botswana as a school principal, and with community-based projects with Mapuche in Chile, and Indigenous communities in Roraima and Macieo in Brazil. She received her Doctorate in Education in Teaching and Learning at the University of Minnesota, Duluth. Marti volunteers with United Way’s Community Indigenous Relations Committee, The Royal Aviation Museum of Western Canada, and the Canadian Forces Liasion Committee.
Michele Catalano, Instructor I
Michele Catalano is interested in how students’ needs for growth and development (personal and social) are met at the high school level. Michele is also interested in instructing novice counsellors as they learn all aspects of the field of counselling. She has worked as a high school teacher, guidance counsellor, vice-principal, and principal. Currently, Michele is a mental health practitioner in private practice. She combines her love of teaching and passion for psychotherapy.