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The Magazine News Archive

David Foster. photo courtesy of the David Foster Foundation

David Foster

October 19, 2017 — 
He remembers the exact moment when everything clicked. He was a teen, into classical music‚ when the Beatles’ She Loves You came on the radio—“It literally transformed my life.”

Tim Penner. // Photo by David Lipnowski [BA(Hons)/08]

Tim Penner

October 19, 2017 — 
He grew up working at his uncle’s movie theatre and while sweeping up popcorn‚ fell in love with film.

Ian Fleming reportedly fashioned James Bond after the late Sir William Stephenson [DSc/79]‚ a Winnipeg-born war hero.

Stephenson. William Stephenson.

October 19, 2017 — 
It’s no wonder Ian Fleming reportedly fashioned James Bond after the late Sir William Stephenson [DSc/79]‚ a Winnipeg-born war hero who once taught U of M students.

Cool stuff belonging to Distinguished Professor David Barber [BPE/82, MNRM/89], Canada Research Chair in Arctic-System Science and associate dean of research in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources. photo by David Lipnowski [BA(Hons)/08]

Field Notes

October 19, 2017 — 
Cool stuff belonging to Distinguished Professor David Barber [BPE/82, MNRM/89], Canada Research Chair in Arctic-System Science and associate dean of research in the Clayton H. Riddell Faculty of Environment, Earth, and Resources.

A large archeleon skeleton hangs from the ceiling in the Wallace Building’s Ed Leith Cretaceous Menagerie.

Heads Up

October 19, 2017 — 
The goliath, extinct turtle hanging from the ceiling probably wouldn’t have eaten you.

We are just a little boat in the sea, and we go where the sea wants us to go. - Avi Slama // illustration by Julie Doan [BFA(HONS)/07]

Quotable: Fall 2017

October 19, 2017 — 
We are just a little boat in the sea, and we go where the sea wants us to go.

Time Traveller

May 1, 2017 — 
When a baby born this year comes of age, what will her world be? As Canada marks its 150th and the University of Manitoba its 140th, our alumni imagine the life of a student circa 2042.

Friendly. Polite. Generous.

May 1, 2017 — 
All words we see in the same sentence as Canada. But what about: fierce, daring, bold? Meet the recipients of the 2017 Distinguished Alumni Awards—graduates who bring their passion, without apology.

Finding Happy

May 1, 2017 — 
We see versions of it on Facebook. We look for it in yoga class or in that book on mindfulness. But still it hides. Canada is the seventh happiest country in the world. University of Manitoba researchers weigh in on the universal and complicated search.

I Survived

May 1, 2017 — 
They found a ray of light in the unthinkable dark. How three members of our University of Manitoba community who asked themselves ‘Why am I here?’ turned hardship into stories of hope, and changed national conversations.

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