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Sol LeWitt wall drawing

Desautels Faculty of Music

Curtain rises on UM’s new Desautels Concert Hall

September 4, 2024 — 
The Desautels Concert Hall, a state-of-the-art performance venue in the heart of the University of Manitoba's Fort Garry campus, opens on September 5.

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Your guide to thrive: 8 ways to balance health, wellness and university life this year

August 30, 2024 — 
Navigating university life can be both exciting and challenging. UM offers a variety of resources to help you succeed. Here are 8 tips for creating your own personal wellness plan and your guide to UM’s Student Support services.

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Julienne Stroeve stands in front of a framed map

The Story You Need to Hear

August 25, 2024 — 
There seems to be a tradition, among UM Arctic researchers, of being first to raise the alarm bell about something amiss in the North. Julienne Stroeve continues this legacy, making bold statements about the future of our planet as Arctic sea ice melts faster than predicted. Are we ready to listen?

Cover of RadyUM magazine shows nursing students in a virtual reality lab.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

New issue of RadyUM dives into the RadyVerse

August 2, 2024 — 
The cover story of the new issue of RadyUM magazine highlights the recent launch of RadyVerse, an initiative that is expanding the use of virtual reality (VR), artificial intelligence and machine learning across the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences.

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Research and International

Change Through Research: University of Manitoba’s Strategic Plan for Research 2024-2029

July 30, 2024 — 
This week, UM officially launched Change through Research, a five-year institutional strategic research plan that outlines key areas of expertise for maximum global impact by providing solutions to society’s most pressing challenges.

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Asper School of Business

Applied Business Consulting course an opportunity to earn credit by consulting with real businesses

July 9, 2024 — 
The business world doesn’t follow a syllabus. Assignments change with client needs, and a consultant’s success is measured not by a grade, but by their ability to uncover, understand and respond to those needs. Students learn this firsthand in the Asper School of Business’ unique experiential learning course, IDM 4050: Applied Business Consulting. While students are supported by their classroom learning—a thorough study of business theory and practice in their BComm—IDM 4050 challenges them to think about how they will use this knowledge to manage client relationships consult real businesses and not-for-profits.

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St. John's College

The importance of team culture

July 9, 2024 — 
What started as her first job has now helped Judy Jayasuriya make a positive impact on experiential learning on campus.

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A female doctor talks with a little girl about her health during a medial appointment. She is dressed semi-casually and has a stethoscope around her neck.

Rady Faculty of Health Sciences

National network to accelerate research for rare diseases in kids

July 5, 2024 — 
A group of researchers from the Rady Faculty of Health Sciences and Children’s Hospital Research Institute of Manitoba (CHRIM) has leadership roles in a national initiative to accelerate research and treatment for rare diseases in children. 

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Instructor Snehil Dua

Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning

Bringing work-integrated learning into the classroom with Dr. Snehil Dua

July 2, 2024 — 
The hot lunch project is one of many ways that Dr. Snehil Dua incorporates Experiential Learning (EL) into her teaching. She is always looking for ways to help her students be prepared for the dynamic demands of the food industry.

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St. John's College

Academic success isn’t always a linear line

June 23, 2024 — 
Since her bachelor's degree in science, Grace Okunnu has come a long way. As she completes her first year at the Max Rady College of Medicine at the Bannatyne campus, she reflects on the journey that has gotten her to where she is today. 

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