Campus Power Outage – Power restored
Update: All buildings are online as of approximately 6 p.m., Feb. 21.
Update 4:25 p.m: Power has been restored for Investors Group Athletic Centre; Education Building and Migizii Agamik. Biological Sciences is expected to be up in a couple of hours.
Update 1:20 p.m.: Power has been restored for Group 2 buildings: St. John’s College; St. Paul’s & Sinnott; Wallace; Nursing; Parkade; Fitzgerald.
Buildings currently without power are: Biological Sciences; Max Bell; Investors Group Athletic Centre; Education Building; Migizii Agamik.
Update 11:09 a.m.: Power for Group 2 is expected to be restored by 12:30 PM: St. John’s College; St. Paul’s & Sinnott; Wallace; Nursing; Parkade; Fitzgerald.
Update 9:50 a.m.: The overall duration of the outage is expected to be: 12 hours. Please note that this may change. Buildings are being restored by groupings based on power supply.
Up currently: High Voltage, Engineering 1, 2 and 3.
NOW UP: Group 1 (by 10:30 AM): Physical Plant; Stores Building; Mary Speechly; Pembina Hall and Residence; Drake Centre; Tier; Isbister; Fletcher Argue.
Group 2 (by 11:30 AM): St. John’s College; St. Paul’s & Sinnott; Wallace; Nursing; Parkade; Fitzgerald.
Update 9:16 a.m.: Physical Plant is currently bringing buildings back on line. Some should be back up in running within hours.
Update 9:05 a.m.: Emergency power is starting to diminish in certain buildings. Please enact your emergency plan for no power in the building if this occurs.
Please note that the Fort Garry campus is currently experiencing a large scale power outage.
Physical Plant’s electrical department is aware of the issue and is working diligently to rectify the problem; the list will be updated accordingly as buildings go back online.
Please continue to check the service disruption page for updates.
Below is a comprehensive building list
- Physical Plant
- Stores Building
- Mary Speechly
- Pembina Hall and Residence
- Drake Centre
- Tier
- Isbister
- Fletcher Argue
- Biological Sciences
- Max Bell
- Investors Group Athletic Centre
- Education Building
- Migizii Agamik – Bald Eagle Lodge
- High Voltage Lab
- Engineering 1
- Engineering 2
- Engineering 3
- St. John’s College
- St. Paul’s & Sinnott
- Wallace
- Nursing
- Parkade
- Fitzgerald
I would hope that a comprehensive review by competent authorities is completed to ensure there is no repeat of the recent major facility breakdowns.