A flurry of underground colour
November 15, 2013 —
Many of the murals on campus are part of Tunnel Vision, a program sponsored by the Collaboration for the Promotion of Arts and Music, the University, and UMSU.
Recipients of Tunnel Vision grants include:
2010 – Ryan Trudeau
2011 – Rachel Schappert
2011 – LeoMark Dookeran
2012 – Vladimir Kraynyk
2013 – John DeWolf
Two artists were chosen in 2011 because the selection committee thought both were outstanding and the budget allowed for both to paint.
(Another mural on campus UM Today has reported on is in the PlayCare Centre.)
John DeWolf show his process in a time-lapse video
Murals on campus
I am still trying to establish who painted 3 murals:
1. The 2012 mural with profile of a first nations person predominantly in pink.
2. The black and white mural with cows, hamburgers and letters.
3. The red stripes close to the ARTlab.
Please contact me.