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CBC: Cheering ‘Go Jets go’ killing your voice? Here’s how to keep it in tip-top shape

April 18, 2018 — 

As CBC reports: 

If spending a night screaming ‘Go Jets go!’ at the top of your lungs for a few hours leaves you speechless for days, it’s time for some professional vocal help.

Mel Braun, a music professor at the University of Manitoba who teaches opera singers, counsels Jets fans to take a deep breath. 

“You have to channel your inner vocal athlete,” Braun said. “You think about Patrick Laine and that wrist shot, which is so dangerous in the slot, and it doesn’t just come from his wrists. It comes from his lower body.”…


One comment on “CBC: Cheering ‘Go Jets go’ killing your voice? Here’s how to keep it in tip-top shape

  1. Joseph Marc Bruyère

    Good morning! I am the co-president of Sts-Martyrs-Canadiens Roman Catholic church choir. We need an advanced level organist to accompany us on Sundays, during our Tuesday evening practices, Christmas and Easter services this September 2018- till May 2019. Do U have a professor that specializes in teaching students how to play a church organ… Do your organ playing students have to do internships… If so, we would like to meet to discuss a symbiotic endeavour!… I can be reached via 204-253-5509 P.S. I have a 1-page promo on this endeavour on your “Gig Board“ (in case U want a bit more information). Yours in Harmony with God! “It is written that one needs to ask to receive“… ;o)

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