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Student discipline FAQ

September 6, 2016 — 

What is the Student Discipline Bylaw?

The Student Discipline Bylaw outlines the disciplinary actions available to discipline authorities (e.g. department head, associate dean etc.) and the subsequent appeal process available to students for findings of academic misconduct and non-academic misconduct.

The student discipline procedures have been separated to have stand-alone documents for Student Academic Misconduct, Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour, and Appeal Procedures.

What is the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure?

The University of Manitoba emphasizes the importance of academic integrity and works diligently to uphold a rigorous and ethical academic environment.

Behaviours that constitute academic misconduct include but are not limited to: plagiarism; cheating on quizzes; tests or final examinations; inappropriate collaboration; duplicate submission; personation; and academic fraud.

What is the Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour Procedure?

The University expects all students to act in a fair and reasonable manner toward their peers and the faculty, staff, administration and physical property of the University.

Behaviours that constitute non-academic misconduct include but are not limited to: threats of harm or actual harm by any means (including electronic means) to another person; property-related misconduct; inappropriate or disruptive behaviour; abuse of the process of University policies and procedures or regulations.

Concerning behaviour means any behaviour that, while not indicative of a clear immediate threat, gives rise to a reasonable apprehension that the Student may engage in conduct harmful to him-herself or to others, including but not limited to: (a) threats of self-harm and (b) worrisome behavioural changes in an individual, such as changes in appearance, social withdrawal, or isolation, apparent detachment from reality or inordinate interest in or discussion of violent themes or events.

When was the bylaw and related procedures passed and when will they take effect?

They governing documents were approved by Senate on May 18, 2016 and by the Board of Governors on June 22, 2016 and became effective September 1, 2016.

Was there consultation with parties outside of the Behavioural Policy Working Group?

Yes, as with the other updated and new behavioural policies a total of 17 presentations were made to groups including Senate, each of the unions (UMFA, AESES, UNIFOR, CUPE AND CUPE Engineering), Provost’s Council, Associate Deans (Undergraduate), Student Experience Committee, staff members within Student Support, Sexual Assault Working Group (SAWG), UMSU senior sticks, UMSU Council, University Discipline Committee and to the broader community at both Fort Garry campus and Bannatyne campus. In addition all U of M community members were given the opportunity to provide anonymous feedback via email.

What are some of the main revisions all University of Manitoba community members should be aware of?

  • Student Discipline procedures have been separated to have stand-alone documents for Student Non-Academic Misconduct, Student Academic Misconduct, and Appeal Procedures;
  • The Inappropriate or Disruptive Behaviour policy has been repealed and incorporated into the Student Non-Academic Misconduct and Concerning Behaviour procedure, under Student Discipline Bylaw;
  • Within the Student Discipline Bylaw, provisions regarding suspension, expulsion and reprimand have been reorganized for better flow;
  • “Academic Misconduct” and “Non-Academic Misconduct” are defined and separated into their own procedures;
  • The misconduct procedures cover jurisdiction, investigation, consultation, decision, and confidentiality;
  • The jurisdiction of disciplinary authority for each type of misconduct is separated into two tables;
  • The layout of the tables has been improved for easier navigation;
  • The section on concerning behaviour now reflects a clear reporting protocol as well as outlines the role of STATIS (Student/Staff Threat Assessment Triage Intervention Support team) and University of Manitoba Security Services;
  • The appeal procedures have been reorganized for better flow and consistency in terminology.

Where can I find more information about the Student Discipline Bylaw and related procedures?

The Student Discipline Bylaw and related procedures are available here:

You can find more information about Student Academic Misconduct, including tools and support, on the Academic Integrity website:

Information about the discipline process, including a tutorial, is available on the Student Advocacy website:

Whom should I contact if I have any questions or concerns regarding student discipline?

Allegations of Student Academic Misconduct or Student Non-Academic Misconduct are to be referred to the appropriate disciplinary authority, as per the procedures.

If you have concerns about a student’s behaviour, you may wish to contact the Student Support Case Management office

Concerning behaviour of a student is to be reported to a University community unit head (e.g. dean or director), a member of STATIS and/or Security Services.


Security Services

The Student Support Case Manager is a member of STATIS.

Student Advocacy provides confidential support to students and offers education and information to members of the University community on issues pertaining to student academic and non-academic misconduct. Visit their site for more information or phone 204-474-7423 or email

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