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Photo of Marc Kruse giving a presentation in the Moot Courtroom

First annual Access to Justice Forum hosted at UM Faculty of Law

Focus on supporting A2J for Indigenous and racialized communities in MB

July 22, 2024 — 

The Faculty of Law has been busy hosting a variety of Justice-related events this summer while law students are away working and gaining hands-on legal practice experience. On May 6th-7th, 2024, the University of Manitoba and the Manitoba Law Foundation hosted the first annual Access to Justice Forum. This year the focus of the Forum was supporting A2J for Indigenous & racialized communities in Manitoba. The Forum included presentations from Marc Kruse (Director of Indigenous Legal Learning and Services, UM Faculty of Law), Laurelle Harris, K.C. (Equitable Solutions Consulting) and the British Columbia Indigenous Justice Centre.

Kruse presented on “Epistemic Injustice” and common foundational principles of Indigenous legal orders. Harris gave a workshop on anti-racism and equity for legal professionals, and the BC Indigenous Justice Centre gave overview of their work and how they have developed their centres with an access to justice and Indigenous perspective.

In addition to the presentations, 24 A2J stakeholders presented organizational updates which may be found in the most recent A2J newsletter.

This Forum marked the first time since the 2021 establishment of the Manitoba Access to Justice website, a joint initiative of the Law Society of Manitoba and the UM Faculty of Law.

A2J organizations represented at this year’s inaugural Forum included the following:

  • Manitoba Court of Appeal
  • Manitoba Court of King’s Bench
  • Provincial Court of Manitoba
  • University of Manitoba, Faculty of Law
  • Manitoba Law Foundation
  • Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs/First Nations Family Advocate Office
  • Manitoba Metis Federation
  • The Law Society of Manitoba
  • The Manitoba Bar Association
  • Legal Aid Manitoba
  • Public Interest Law Centre (Office of Legal Aid Manitoba)
  • Manitoba Justice – Prosecution Service
  • Manitoba Justice – Family Resolution Services
  • Manitoba Law Reform Commission
  • AJEFM/Infojustice
  • Healthy Muslim Families
  • Community Legal Education Association
  • Legal Help Centre
  • Community Unemployment Help Centre
  • Manitoba Law Library
  • Library Hub Project
  • Manitoba Council of Administrative Tribunals
  • Mediation Services
  • Pro Bono Students Canada

Anyone wishing to stay up to date on Access to Justice in Manitoba and future A2J events, check out the Access to Justice Hub and subscribe to the newsletter.

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