To the class of 2021
A message from Chancellor Anne Mahon and President and Vice-Chancellor Michael Benarroch
This is a momentous occasion; for you, and our community. We hope you can sense all of us–the thousands of us–here with you.
Celebrating you. Though we are unable to gather on campus, we have embraced this new way of honouring your achievements. We are incredibly proud of you.
Activist Vandana Shiva says, “Hope is a duty.” Let us act with hope. Let us remain open to the idea of possibility; of working together. All people. All disciplines, all communities and all races since diversity will only strengthen our society. Now, more than ever, we need to work together.
Communities thrive though connections—ones that exchange ideas, spark innovation, meet challenges, respect and learn from one another.
As you start your new journey, you’ll notice how UM is closely linked to others throughout Manitoba and around the world. We are connected through research, partnerships with Indigenous communities and our ties with local organizations and industry.
Along the way, you will also encounter fellow alumni. Today, you join their network of more than 181,000 UM grads living in 139 countries around the world. Our alumni are our strongest ambassadors, advocates, champions and thought-leaders. They elevate our communities and propel us to make a difference.
During these challenging times, we have a responsibility to turn our ideas, knowledge and skills into a new path forward for all of us. We know you are ready. Our time–your time–is now.
Congratulations on your graduation!